Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tolerance for pain may be high but it is not without limit

What is the purpose of life?

According to the Dali Lama the purpose of life is happiness.

What will make me happy?

Ultimately, according to A Course In Miracles, what will make, you, me, and everybody happy is the acceptance of the Atonement. The Course points out that our tolerance for pain is very high, but short of death, it is not without limit. In crisis, if not before, we recognize that there must be a better way. We recognize as they say in the first step of Alcoholic Anonymous that our life is unmanageable. We have defiled our soul and that things need to be repaired and protected. It is written in the Course that whenever we are anxious something is wrong. You have been deceived.

How do I get back on the right track?

That's what religion and philosophy is for to help you find your way back to the right track. There are may roads to the Atonement. Which is best for you depends on many things. For the spiritually mature, Unitarian Universalism may be a way because it is open to the teachings of the six sources. Unitarian Universalists covenant together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. The authentic search is within and the recognition that we are one with everything which is what the Course calls the Atonement.

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