Showing posts with label Film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Film. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Film review - Two Popes

The Two Popes is a wonderful film about the transition of the Papacy from Pope Benedict XVI to Pope Francis. Anthony Hopkins plays Ratzinger and Jonathan Pryce plays Bergoglio.

The film describes the spiritual journeys of both men and their very different personalities. Both very strong people discover their humility as they struggle with the spiritual and religious role required of them in assuming the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.

I found the film quite moving several times as these two men struggle to create a friendship and mutual understanding based on a spiritual sensibility which is absent in life today.

I highly recommend this film for a thoughtful, mature audience.

Two Popes is streaming on Netflix.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Seeking Shelter: A Story of Place, Faith, and Resistance on Block Island off of Rhode Island

Check out "Seeking Shelter" a 30 minute documentary about Block Island in Long Island Sound where William Stringfellow, Daniel Berrigan and others created a community of love to change the world.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Thursday, February 5, 2015

What are some UU thoughts about American Sniper, the film?

Dylan O'Connor's review and essay on the film American Sniper on The Brockporter is well worth the read. You can access it by clicking here.

American Sniper clashes with most of UUs principles. It certainly does not affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person, etc.

Does this film inject a poisonous meme into our American society? Will it lead to our children and young adults wanting to emulate this way of being in the world? How can Unitarian Universalists reach out to a frightened and sadistic population in America and help them find better ways of dealing with the temptations of American exceptionalism?

Monday, December 31, 2012

Last night I watched the documentary, Raw Faith, which is about Rev. Marilyn Sewell's life as the Unitarian Universalist pastor of First Unitarian Church in Portland Oregon for over 17 years.

During those 17 years Rev. Sewell grew the congregation to over 1, 000 people and in spite of her personal demons and insecurities nurtured a congregation with integrity and love. As she realizes that her time of ministry is coming to an end she makes the courageous decision to resign while she is ahead and begin a new chapter in her life to which she feels called, but not knowing exactly what God is calling her to do next.

Having created the space for God's grace to operate, and quite unexpectedly, for the first time in her life, Marilyn falls in love with George, a widower of many years. Marilyn is scared of her feelings of being loved by George because of previous abandonments and emotional abuse. Can she open herself up and make herself vulnerable?

With the help of her Spiritual Director, Marilyn overcomes her fears of intimacy, and allows George to love her and at the end of the film they marry.

In the bonus features on the DVD with the film, Marilyn discusses many aspects of the UU faith very articulately.

I liked the film much better than I expected. It is a film for older people over 50 who are reflecting on the meaning of their lives up to mid life and where to go from there. It is also a film for workaholics and high achievers who have been driven to prove themselves because of insecure childhoods. As Tim Robbins said one time, "It is never to late to have a happy childhood." Marilyn Sewell can be a poster child for that idea. She lives a very productive and satisfying life based on "raw faith". I highly recommend this film.

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