Showing posts with label Future of religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Future of religion. Show all posts

Friday, January 3, 2020

Religion in the public square - Future for religion in the coming decade of the 20s

What will become of religion in the coming decade? For a sweeping consideration click here.

What will happen to Unitarian Universalism in the next decade? Here are some guesses:

  1. It's membership will remain stagnant if not decline further as its older congregants die off.
  2. If Unitarian Universalism is to survive it must rejuvenate its theology and focus more on its convenantal model and its seven principles. However, this is unlikely to happen because it's governance structure is too weak to provide clear, decisive, and effective leadership.
  3. The recognition of Universalism will grow, but its main growth will occur outside the denomination.
  4. The liberal ethos of Unitarian Universalism will continue to grow and spead with an inclination towards more, not less, inclusivity in the broader society.
  5. There will be an increase in "nones" on surveys of denominational identification with the further trend of people saying they are "spiritual" but not "religious."
  6. There will be a need for a greater focus on helping people develop a spiritual life instead of social justice, but Unitarian Universalism will miss this opportunity and people searching for this assistance will find it elsewhere.
  7. While there will be a decrease in quanity of people who say they are UU, there will be an increase in quality of the membership with remaining members taking the faith more seriously and making it a daily part of their lives.
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