Evidence Indicates Intelligence Not Contagious
March 26, 2020
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz
Report)—New evidence uncovered
over the past several weeks indicates that intelligence is not contagious, a
study by the Centers for Disease Control reports.
In a controlled
experiment documented by the study, a seventy-nine-year-old man with
intelligence was placed in close proximity to a seventy-three-year-old man
without it for a period of several weeks to see if even a trace of his
knowledge and expertise could be transmitted.
After weeks of
near-constant exposure, however, the seventy-three-year-old man appeared “a
hundred per cent asymptomatic” of intelligence, the researchers found.
For more click here.
Editor's note:
What is the connection between Borowitz's article and today's Lenten Reflection on John's gospel, 5: 31 - 47? Leave your answer in the comments.
Editor's note:
What is the connection between Borowitz's article and today's Lenten Reflection on John's gospel, 5: 31 - 47? Leave your answer in the comments.