It’s been quite a week on UU A Way Of Life with 6 posts about A Course In Miracle teachings which focused on the ideas that Truth is beyond belief and that we are here to extend the Truth. The Truth is that God loves us unconditionally and the Holy Spirit operates in the space between our belief in the world of the ego and the world of the Spirit to guide us to drop the ego and become one with Spirit.
On Thursday the post teaches us the idea that if God is with us and we are with God, what can be against us? When we realize that we are with God, we can then bless and no longer sacrifice.
The ACIM ideas validate many of the UU principles such as the inherent worth and dignity of every person, the awareness of the interdependent web of existence, the acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth, and the free and responsible search for truth and meaning.
The takeaways from this week’s ideas is that Truth is to be found beyond belief in the realm of Spirit and that we are here to extend the Truth of unconditional love of our Creator.
Questions for reflection/discussion:
What is the difference between Truth and belief?
What helps us discern the difference between belief in the world of the ego and the realm of Spirit?
What is our purpose here on earth?
In what does our strength and power reside?
Which of the UU principles exemplified in the ACIM ideas stands out for you?