Showing posts with label flow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flow. Show all posts

Friday, June 1, 2018

Becoming Godliness in the eternal present

Osho says, "Ordinarily you think that time is divided into three divisions: past, present, and future. That is totally wrong. That is not how the awakened ones have seen time. They say time consists only of two divisions: past and future. The present is not part of time at all; the present belongs to the beyond." p. 180, "Ah, This!"

Remember the past are memories and the future is imagination. The present is the eternal Now, what is called in A Course In Miracles, "the Holy Instant."

The Buddhists say, "Be here now," but perhaps it would be better put if it they simply said, "Be Now," or maybe just "Now".

God said in the bible when asked who He is, "I am who I am, " or "I is what is."

When we become aware of the present we experience an Oneness with existence. We become Godliness. We become one with the All in the eternal present where there is no time at all.

Monday, September 11, 2017

UU and heaven on earth

Steve, the Dali Lama said one time that the purpose of life is happiness. All human beings want to be happy. And you asked, "What will make me happy?" Your question is, of course, the logical follow-up question and a question the philosophers have been discussing for millennia, and recently the positive psychologists have joined the conversation and have been adding their research findings to our base of knowledge. There also is a growing spiritual awareness coming from Ken Wilbur, A Course In Miracles, Osho, Matthew Fox, the Buddhists, Sufi's, and a resurgent interest in Native American earth centered spiritualities. The marketing and popularizing of these ways of looking at the world can be very attractive, seductive, interesting, and enjoyable. Have you noticed how "mindfulness" is now all the rage and is applied to everything from mindful walking to mindful eating to mindful elimination? As you mentioned to me, most of this is nonsense even if it is an attempt to move ourselves in a more positive direction towards what A Course In Miracles calls the Atonement.

The essential question is whether anything on the ego plane can ever truly make us happy or should we focus instead on the spiritual plane which involves the Love of the transcendent and our brothers and sisters as one? We have tasted the divine ecstasy of well being when we have entered what the psychologists call a "flow state." The flow state is when we become one with the all and lose track of time and awareness of ourselves as separate from things. People achieve flow sometimes doing exercise, or listening to music, and becoming enthralled in whatever activity we deeply enjoy and are focused on. This transcendent state is called in A Course In Miracles, the "Holy Instant." It is written in A Course Of Miracles, "The holy instant is a miniature of Heaven, sent you from Heaven."

Unitarian Universalism has little to say about our choice between two worlds: the world of the ego, and the world of the Love of Creation although it does hold dear, in covenantal relationships with others, the seventh principle of respect for the interdependent web of all existence. It is odd that the wording of the principle states "respect" for the interdependent web instead of the "love" of the interdependent web. Respect implies a standing apart rather than a joining with although the full wording of the principle is "respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part."

So Steve it would seem that what will make us truly happy is a joining the Love of Creation by extending ourselves to our brothers and sisters with the intention of achieving the At-One-Ment which I have defined as when everybody loves everybody all the time. You asked me whether I thought this was really possible and I told you "absolutely." Of course, this is a statement of faith and hope, yet also one based on the experience of flow. Our Universalist tradition inspires me in this faith. If is what sets us apart as UUs from other religious systems of belief and it is the part of our faith which we must preach more fervently if we are to learn it better and more deeply ourselves.

May you enhance your happiness by extending Creations' love to all our brothers and sisters and being mindful and grateful for your experience of flow. Flow is a taste of heaven on earth.



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