This holy instant would I give to you. Be You in charge. For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace.
Having been raised Roman Catholic back in the 1950s and 60s I remember the Latin mass prior to the decision of Vatican II which made it possible for the mass to be said in the vernacular. Many of the Latin phrases I remember, a favorite being “Pax vobiscum”, Peace be with you, and the response was “Et cum spiritu tuo” and with your spirit as well. Today’s lesson: one of the last five of the year-long study of the workbook of A Course In Miracles reminds us that the peace of God is always with us should we choose to recognize it.
In Alcoholic Anonymous, it is suggested that we improve our conscious contact with God as we understand God in step eleven. We do this through prayer, meditation, and mindfulness and extending the peace of God to others..
In Unitarian Universalism we join together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning which is pursued when we say to one another “Pax vobiscum.” UUs also accept one another and encourage each others’ spiritual growth as stated in principle three of seven.
Today is a day of peace when we put God in charge and shed the illusionary concerns of our egos. Pax vobiscum everybody.