Monday, December 10, 2018

Do you understand the paradoxical law of Tao?

The way to create more crime is to make more laws.
The way to create more proverty is to increase the wealth in the land.
The way to create more envy and jealousy is to create more heroes and celebrities.
The way to create more war is to militarize thinking it will keep people safe.

To have more peace eliminate the laws.
To increase richness get rid of money.
To increase contentment get rid of status.
To increase harmony get rid of weapons.

It is the law of Tao that the ego's positive is a negative.
It is the law of Tao that possession makes one poorer.
It is the law of Tao that the first shall be last and the last shall be first.
It is the law of Tao that attack makes one vulnerable.

Unitarian Univeralists understand the law of Tao because they covenant together to affirm and promote the interdependent web of existence of which they recognize and respect that they are a part.

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