Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Osho - What is the price of bliss?

Articles on the teachings of Osho appear on the UU A Way Of Life ministries blog on Tuesdays.

What is the price of bliss? Some people don't understand the value of bliss unless there is a price for it.

Can Unitarian Universalism help people achieve bliss? What is the price?

Alexander The Great was willing to give his whole empire for a bottle of water when he was thirsty in the desert. Sometimes putting a price on things is done not out of greed but out of compassion.

Osho explains in 6 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Osho's distinction between price and value is important. Unitarian Univeralism has very high value for individuals and the world, but the price is so cheap that it is not perceived as having value. Perhaps UU would be more greatly recognized and appreciated if the price of membership was raised.

    The price for the material on this blog is free and it is not as valued, perhaps, unless a paywall were erected and people who have to pay a subscription for access to the content.

    Should the UU A Way Of Life blog become a subscription only blog?


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