Saturday, October 17, 2020

Good News 10/17/20 - Spontaneous delight with music and dance in the young and old.


Unitarian Universalists covenant together to affirm and promote the acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Good news for 10/16/20 - The children will show them the way


Unitarian Universalists covenant together to affirm and promote the acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

A Course In Miracles Workbook Lesson #61 - I am the light of the world.

 Lesson #61
I am the light of the world.

Wow! Hard to believe. It reminds me of the old spiritual, This little light of mine.

It is stated in step twelve in Alcoholics Anonymous that having had a spiritual awakening, we are to carry this message of salvation to people suffering and to continue our spiritual practice of being light to the world in all our affairs continually.

The third principle of Unitarian Universalism asks us to affirm and promote the acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth of people in our congregations and throughout the world.

The light that we manifest is not ours alone. This proclamation is not an ego thing, it is just the opposite, a statement that we are part of something bigger, a Transcendent source, which flows through us if we allow it to heal ourselves and everybody and everything we come into contact. The choice is ours. First, we must become aware of it within ourselves. When we do we experience great joy and celebration.

My Kind Of Church Music

Car vac for those crevices and tiny spaces. Buy for yourself and makes a great holiday gift.


Good news for 10/15/20, Neighbors Driving Neighbors in Maine

Neighbors Driving Neighbors 
Neighbors Driving Neighbors (NDN) is a non-profit organization whose

Mission is:  to enrich our communities by coordinating volunteer drivers for those who do not drive, so they can more easily stay in their homes.

Vision is:  that central Maine communities will be a place where people of all ages are able to enjoy meaningful lives while living in their homes.

 Service Area is:  the residents of Vienna, Fayette, Mount Vernon, Belgrade and Rome.

Service is:  free transportation for adults for errands, exercise sessions, classes, medical appointments, shopping, socialization or volunteering.

For more click here and for a professional evaluation of the program click here.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

A Course In Miracles Workbook lesson #60, review of lessons 46 - 50, "Who loves ya, baby?"

 Lesson #60
Review of lessons #46 - 50

46. God is the love in which I forgive.
47. God is the strength in which I trust.
48. There is nothing to fear.
49. God’s voice speaks to me all through the day.
50. I am sustained by the love of God.

In Alcoholics Anonymous the sixth step is to be ready to have God remove all the defects of character with which one struggles. It is within God’s love which I forgive myself and others. It is in this power of forgiveness that I trust and with this trust fear evaporates. Now, God speaks to me all through the day and I am willing and able to listen and this love of God sustains me.

In Unitarian Universalism having covenanted together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning I have become aware of the power of forgiveness and realized that I am not a victim but the agent of God’s love upon which I can trust. With this trust I no longer have anything to fear, and I walk with God throughout the day and am sustained by God’s love.

My Kind Of Church Music

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