Saturday, September 24, 2022

Looking for love in all the wrong places.

The word “knows” is correct here, because the Holy Spirit still holds knowledge safe in your mind through His impartial perception. By attacking nothing, He presents no barrier to the communication of God. Therefore, being is never threatened. Your Godlike mind can never be defiled. The ego never was and never will be part of it, but through the ego you can hear and teach and learn what is not true. You have taught yourself to believe that you are not what you are. You cannot teach what you have not learned, and what you teach you strengthen in yourself because you are sharing it. Every lesson you teach you are learning. T-6.III.I:3-10

A Course in Miracles . Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

The passage above is difficult to understand if the student does not understand the metaphysics of the Course. The Course teaches that the ego is not real. The only reality is the non dual Oneness of God. This non dual Oneness which our ego has separated itself from does not remember the non dual Oneness and therefore mistakenly teaches that the things of the ego are real while the things of God are not. However, the Oneness of God is never threatened and nothing in the world of the ego can change that. We learn what we teach and so if we teach the things of the ego we learn more about the world of the ego and if we teach the things of God we learn more about the Oneness of God.

In Unitarian Universalism some of us covenant together to affirm and promote a free and responsible search for truth and meaning and so much of this search is focused on the world of the ego rather than on the things of God. Most UUs know nothing about the non dual Oneness of the Kingdom of God and are looking for love in all the wrong places.

Today it is suggested that we take a few minutes to depart from the world of the ego and enter into the nondual Oneness of which we are a part.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Do you believe everything you think?

As we have already emphasized, every idea begins in the mind of the thinker. Therefore, what extends from the mind is still in it, and from what it extends it knows itself. T-6.III.1:1-2

A Course in Miracles . Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

The saying is “Perception is reality.” The bumper stickers are “Don’t believe everything you think,” and “Reality does not care anything about what you think.” However our thoughts influence our experience and our behavior. Thoughts are very powerful. They can be changed if the thinker is aware of their power of choice.

In Unitarian Universalism some of us join together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning which can lead to an examination of our thoughts. What are they and to what extent do they serve us well?

Today it is suggested that we consider to what extent do we believe and find helpful the things we think?

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Sink into the awareness of Love’s presence.

The Holy Spirit was given you with perfect impartiality, and only by recognizing Him impartially can you recognize Him at all. The ego is legion, but the Holy Spirit is One. No darkness abides anywhere in the Kingdom, but your part is only to allow no darkness to abide in your own mind. This alignment with light is unlimited, because it is in alignment with the light of the world. Each of us is the light of the world, and by joining our minds in this light we proclaim the Kingdom of God together and as one. T-6.II.13:1-5

A Course in Miracles . Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

It is written in the introduction to A Course In Miracles: “The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.” And so we can align ourselves with the light when we no longer allow the darkness of the ego to darken our awareness.

In Unitarian Universalism some of us covenant together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. This search involves moving past the darkness of the world of the ego to the Kingdom of God which the Universalists taught us is the unconditional love of God.

Today it is suggested that we sit quietly for a few minutes and let the thoughts of the ego go and sink into the awareness of Love’s presence.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

How peace and joy arise.

The difference between the ego’s projection and the Holy Spirit’s extension is very simple. The ego projects to exclude, and therefore to deceive. The Holy Spirit extends by recognizing Himself in every mind, and thus perceives them as one. T-6.II.12:1-3

A Course in Miracles . Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

Would we exclude or include? There is a place in the practical world of the ego for exclusion, but in the Kingdom of God all is One.

In Unitarian Universalism we join together to accept one another and encourage spiritual growth. This principle encourages us to engage with the Holy Spirit in ourselves and others hastening the Atonement.

Today it is suggested that we look for the Transcendent Source in everyone we interact with and connect with that and experience the peace and joy that arises.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

What is in your mind?

Only the Holy Spirit can resolve conflict, because only the Holy Spirit is conflict-free. He perceives only what is true in your mind, and extends outward only to what is true in other minds. T-6.II.11:8-9

A Course in Miracles . Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

The first principle of Unitarian Universalism is to covenant together to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person. The Holy Spirit guides us to become aware of this in ourselves and then perceive it and amplify it in others.

Today it is suggested that we reflect on the Divine Spark within our mind and look for it in others.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Don’t believe everything you think.


He (Holy Spirit) tells you to return your whole mind to God, because it has never left Him. If it has never left Him, you need only perceive it as it is to be returned. The full awareness of the Atonement, then, is the recognition that the separation never occurred. The ego cannot prevail against this because it is an explicit statement that the ego never occurred. T-6.II.10:5-8

A Course in Miracles . Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

It is written in the Introduction to the Course In Miracles that the Course cannot explain the meaning of Love for Love is indescribable but it can help remove the blocks to the awareness of Love’s presence. In the passage above the idea is described in terms of the separation never really to have occurred but only to be a hallucination brought about by a belief in the ego which also never really occurred.

In Unitarian Universalism some of us join together to affirm and promote the  inherent worth and dignity of every person which does not reside in their egos but in their Oneness with God.

Today it is suggested that we drop our egos and experience our Oneness with All and as the bumper sticker reads, “Don’t believe everything you think.”.

Do we choose what to think?

Question:  As I recall,  Course seems to think it’s up to you what you perceive, that you have a choice. No choice in facts and knowledge but choice in perception. 

Answer: Yes the Course does teach a system of mind control.

The first step of the system is to become aware that you do have a choice in what you think. 

The Course teaches that we have been conditioned to not know this and even if we become aware of the fact that we have a choice to disregard it or if we don't disregard it to choose the world of the ego over the world of Love. Jesus said the way to the kingdom is "to love as I have loved." Most people have no idea what this means in daily life. It is a choice and it is a practice. 

Peace Pilgrim said "I look for the Divine Spark in each person and focus on that." If one does this it changes their reality and brings great peace and joy. This idea is part of the perennial philosophy and it is found in all the major religions. Now it shows up in consciousness research. What about that?

In Unitarian Universalism some of us join together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. One of the results of the application of this principle is to become aware of the fact that we have a choice what we think.
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