Monday, July 31, 2017

Ego or interdependence?

The seventh principle of Unitarian Universalism is to covenant to affirm and promote a respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

Do you think that our fear of scarcity leads to most human problems? The dynamic created is the win/lose dichotomy. If I win that means you must lose and vice versa. This is the basis for all competition and war. This is the opposite of peace. If we are to ever achieve peace we must operate on an abundance/completion dynamic. Sharing and generosity is the path to peace and joy.

The Spirit of Life is a sharer who desires and creates for completion. This is the basis of the spiritual life. Scarcity, competition, and war is the basis of an egotistical life. Which would you have? Unitarian Universalists who have chosen to follow the seven principles have chosen abundance which comes through completion which comes from the recognition and acknowledgement of the interdependence of all of existence. It is a mysterious and awesome awareness.

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