Wednesday, December 5, 2018

What is one of Unitarian Univeralism's great virtues?

Virtue is born in a person's heart.
Virtue influences relationships.
Virtuous relationships influence families.
Virtuous families influence communities.
Virtuous communities influence States.
Virtuous states influence the nation.
Virtuous nations influence the planet.
Virtuous planets infuence the solar system and the whole universe.

Therefore, if a person would sanctify the universe, start with one's own heart.
In the individual heart is the seed of holiness.
Jesus came to humanity at Christmas to plant seeds.
Some good plants have germinated and grown and born good fruit and some toxic.

We, now, are the gardeners who must cultivate, fertilize, irrigate, prune and nurture.

Jesus told us that there would be false prophets and wolves in sheep's clothing.
Jesus said, "By their fruit you will know them."

Unitarian Univeralists covenant together based on seven principles, the fourth of which, is to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. UUs have defined their mission to discriminate between the truth and the false, and in their desire to find the truth wherever the search may take them, they have manifested great virtue.

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