Monday, April 1, 2019

Today's lesson, number 74, There is no will but God's.

Today's lesson, number 74 in A Course In Miracles, is "There is no will but God's."

Christians, who pray as Jesus suggested, say, "Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

Great peace is experienced when we bring our will into alignment with what we believe is God's will. St. Paul said, "If God is with you, who can be against you?"

What are the things that interfere with our recognition, acknowledgement, acceptance, and following of God's will? Basically, it is our decision to pursue the illusions and idols on the path of the ego thinking that these illusions and idols will make us happy and be the source of our salvation. Most of us learn the hard way. We are working toward on our Ph.D. from the University of Hard Knocks.

When we hit bottom, it dawns on us, as it says in the first of the twelve steps, "We came to realize that our lives are unmanageable" because of alcohol, because of drugs, because of sex, because of money, because of compulsive overeating, because of ________.

After this dawning, we enter a search for a power greater than ourselves that can restore us to sanity as it says in the second step. This search to restore our sanity brings us to the third step which is a decision to turn our will and life over to the care of God, Tao, the Universe, our Higher Power as we understand it.

Unitarian Universalists believe in their covenant to affirm and promote seven principles as the means to salvation and some UUs would say that engaging in this covenant to affirm and promote these seven principles is the manifestation of God's will for them.

Today, remind yourself several times that there is no will but God's and God's will is the experience of Unconditional Love for all of Creation.

UUs covenant to affirm and promote not only a respect for, but a love of, the interdependent web of all existence of which we and everyone else is a part. It is in this acknowledgement and acceptance that great peace arises.

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