Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Daily refections - Day three - Where is the Love?

Day three
Where is the Love?

“The opposite of love is fear, but what is all encompassing can have no opposite” ACIM Intro. 8

We are living in a time when the biggest psychiatric diagnosis is anxiety disorder. The rise of antianxiety and anti - depressant medications is impressive. One might wonder why the high prevalence of anxiety and depressive disorders?

We are living in a time of rapid social change with increased social isolation. Along with anxiety and depressive disorders, a major complaint is loneliness and lack of meaning in one’s life. Are we living in a loveless age? Otherwise why all the anxiety?

It is suggested that the opposite of Love is fear, aka anxiety, and then quickly follows up by saying that all encompassing Love can have no opposite. If this Love is all encompassing why are we not often aware of it?

The lack of awareness of all encompassing Love is because we are focused outward instead of inward. We are looking for love in all the wrong places. Love is not to be found outside of our minds in special relationships, money, power, prestige, sex, fun. We make idols out of the things of the ego. Mother Teresa said one time that while the United States might be the richest country on planet Earth, it is one the spiritually poorest. If you think about the U.S. high rates of anxiety and depressive disorders, and high use of medications, we might be inclined to agree with her.

Love is to be found in our minds and hearts nor outside of us. We are looking for love in the wrong places barking up the wrong trees.

Today just be quiet, slow your breathing, relax your muscles, and think of the time you felt most loved in your whole life. Stay with that scene for a few seconds, and try to expand it and embellish it. Imagine that the peace, and contentment, and comfort that you feel could increase in your experience and take over your life. Feel yourself become a part of something far greater than yourself which accepts you with a welcome, acceptance and nurturing care for which you were created. Watch the fear evaporate and Love become all encompassing.

Having felt the Love in your heart and mind, share it with whoever comes into your path today.

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