Monday, February 10, 2020

Climate change - The story of disrespect told in the U.S. Senate

Just how completely the world below our feet will become unknown to us is not yet clear, and how we register its transformation remains an open question. One legacy of the environmentalist creed that long prized the natural world as an otherworldly retreat is that we see its degradation as a sequestered story, unfolding separately from our own modern lives—so separately that the degradation acquires the comfortable contours of parable, like pages from Aesop, aestheticized even when we know the losses as tragedy.

Wallace-Wells, David. The Uninhabitable Earth (p. 25). Crown/Archetype. Kindle Edition.

David Wallace-Wells calls the story of climate change a "sequestered story." The story of climate change, even if we acknowledge it, we can't quite accept. It's like the U.S. Senator, James Inhofe, who brought a snow ball into the Senate chamber in February, 2015, mocking the science of human influenced global warming.

What are we, as Unitarian Universalists, to do in the face of such disrepect for the interdependent web of existence which have convenanted together to affirm and promote? What is our duty or duties in the face of this sequestered story and misinformation?

There are several duties.

First, set the record straight and educate people to the facts.
Two, vote and elect people to make our national policies which correspond to the facts.
Three, organize like minded people to strike and boycott climate damaging activities.
Four, engage and support in activities to change our ways of life to be in harmony with nature and not exploit nature for profit.

What other duties and actions might you add?

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