Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Moral Unitarian Univeralist - The sin of being anti-science

4 Ways to Counter Anti-Science Rhetoric in the Workplace |

Topic Six
The sin of being anti science.

There are cigarettes causes cancer deniers, climate change deniers, anti-vaxers, holocaust deniers, conspiracy theorists, racists, xenophobes, homophobes, mysogynists, white supremacists, flat earthers, and god knows what other kinds of quacks, cranks, eccentrics, and psychotics. And what is a Unitarian Universalist or any sane, mentally healthy person to do when confronted by manipulative, psychopathic, and delusional people, groups, and beliefs?

The first question that might be asked is “Are they mad or bad?” meaning are they crazy or morally culpable or maybe some of both? If they are merely crazy they require compassion, pity, understanding and treatment. If they are bad, they require accountability, censure, and restitution for damages.

The sin of anti-science is the sin of pride. The arrogance that compels a person to insist on being right even when the evidence indicates otherwise is evil. This kind of “pig headedness” is born out of an insecurity where the need to be right based on the ego demands of one’s pride and saving face trumps truth and cooperation with one’s fellow human beings and the well being of the planet.

Allegiance to one’s ideology is unconsciously believed to be the source of one’s security and happieness even when it wreaks destruction, suffering, and hell on earth. Unitarian Universalists covenant together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning with the emphasis on “responsible.”

What is a “responsible” search for truth and meaning as compared to its opposite an “irresponsible” search for truth and meaning? Who is to say what is “responsible” and “irresponsible?” In answering this question two factors become relevant: science and a moral code based on natural law.

Science answers the question “Is it right?” meaning is the finding valid and reliable, and the moral code answers the question “Does it work?” meaning does it accomplish its intended purpose in a just, equitable, and compassionate way?

Ideology which is anti-science and unfair and hurtful is evil even if it provides benefits to special interests. Belief systems have consequences. The bumper sticker reads, “Don’t believe everything you think” and another bumper sticker reads, “If you don’t believe in something, you will fall for anything.”

Unitarian Universalists are children of the enlightenment and the transcendentalists. As such they have put their faith in science and natural law. They eschew and condemn arrogant ideology and beliefs based on loyalties to identity groups. When we consider various ideologies and belief systems the mindful UU always asks, “Is it moral?”

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