Friday, August 21, 2020

A Course In Miracles Workbook Lesson #20 - I am determined to see

UnChatUnChat on Twitter: "Every person has inherent worth and dignity. The  Good Samaritan didn't administer a character or fitness test of some kind  before giving help. He saw a human being who

Lesson #20
I am determined to see.

Bill Thetford, Helen Schucman’s partner in scribing the Course, said it all started when he said to Helen, with whom he had a very conflicted relationship, “There must be a better way.” It was this desire on both their parts to see a better way that led to the scribing of A Course In Miracles.

Unitarian Universalists, also, when they covenant together to affirm and promote their seven principles are demonstrating to themselves and the world that there is, indeed, a better way.

We could apply today’s lesson to each principle, but for now let us just take the first one. We could say, “I am determined to see the inherent worth and dignity in every person.” If this were practiced, what a different world we would be living in. It would bring salvation to the world of the ego and open the door to the world of the soul.

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