Tuesday, October 20, 2020

A Course In Miracles Workbook Lesson #65, My only function is the one God gave me.

 Lesson #65
My only function is the one God gave me.

We are conditioned by society to think that there are so many things that will make us happy. Sooner or later we come to realize that this is the Big Lie. Things on the path of the ego are impermanent, illusionary, and whatever happiness they seem to bring is very temporary. 

In growing desperation it finally dawns on us that there must be a better way and we begin a search for a more satisfying and fulfilling sense of purpose and meaning. It is this dawning that brings many of us to A Course In Miracles.

In today’s lesson, #65, we are told that our only function is the one that God gave us and that is to work for the salvation of the world through forgiveness. All other goals and functions are meaningless in comparison to this. In Alcoholics Anonymous the third step encourages us to make a decision to turn our will and lives over to the care of our Higher Power. This is a huge step and takes constant reminders and practice, Thy will, not my will, be done. Let go and let God. If God is with you who can be against you?

In Unitarian Universalism we covenant together to affirm and promote seven principles, the fourth of which is the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. This search takes us to a place where we realize two things: first, that we have inherent worth and dignity and are loved unconditionally by the Transcendent Source of our existence, and second, in this realization we have the power to save ourselves and the world through forgiveness for the insane beliefs that the idols of the ego would ever make us truly happy.

Today, we are asked to set aside 10 - 15 minutes to review our false beliefs that the things of the ego would ever make us happy and that our only function is to realize this, embrace it, and release other people and circumstances from our insane expectations that they make us happy.

My Kind Of Church Music

Don’t worry; Be happy by Bobby McFerrin

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