Monday, January 25, 2021

A Course In Miracles Workbook Lesson #152, The power of decision is my own.

 Lesson 152
The power of decision is my own.

Today’s lesson is as blunt and straightforward as it gets. We have the power to choose the world of the ego or the Kingdom of God.

The lesson teaches that Truth is true and can have no opposite. The world we see on the ego plain is illusory, impermanent, and figment of our imaginations which we arrogantly make up and pretend to be  true,  but the lesson today teaches that this illusory world of the ego is not only nothing of God but God doesn’t even know it exists since it isn’t real but merely our insane dream.

In Alcoholic Anonymous, in the eleventh step, it is suggested that we seek to improve our conscious contact with God and give up the illusions we have created in the world of the ego which have made our lives unmanageable. In other words, set aside the bull shit and focus on the Truth.

In Unitarian Universalism we covenant together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. This search takes us from the world of the ego to the Kingdom of our Transcendent Source.

Today, it is suggested that we take five minutes every hour and remind ourselves that the power of decision is our own. We can choose the world of the ego or the Kingdom of God. One is false and the other is Truth. Pretty simple, really, this choice, and by recognizing and acknowledging it we become aware of our power which is not ours alone but belongs to the whole community of saints whether they know it or not. Today we acknowledge that we  know it when we remind ourselves that the power of decision is my own.

My Kind Of Church Music
I Want To Know What Love Is, Foreigner

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