Tuesday, February 9, 2021

A Course In Miracles Workbook Lesson #165, Let not my mind deny the Thought Of God


Lesson #165
Let not my mind deny the Thought Of God

Neale Donald Walsch tells us in his first Conversations with God book that is talking to us all the time. If we aren’t aware of it, it’s because we aren’t listening. God gives us free will, so God whispers not wanting to overpower our willfulness or coerce us. As the sign board in front of our local Methodist church posted at Christmas time, “You, too, can hear the Angel’s song if you tune in on the right frequency.”

In Alcoholics Anonymous, in step eleven, it is suggested that we seek to improve our conscious contact with God. It’s a good idea if we would be happy and experience peace and joy.

In Unitarian Universalism we covenant together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning and where does this search take us? The experience of our Transcendent Source where peace and joy abide.

Today, it is suggested that we begin and end the day, and a minute every hour, thinking of our Transcendent Source. If we step back, and let TS lead the way, a whole new world is opened to us which is holy and the world is sanctified.

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