Sunday, January 23, 2022

The purpose of life is to make the world a better place.

Moreover, through the practice of evolutionary spirituality we become agents of evolution—emissaries of the future—whose mission is the improvement of the human condition. And the experience and creation of that which is spiritually real—that which is beautiful, true, and good—is ultimately how we make things genuinely better. In other words, we become direct participants in evolution’s unfolding—the process by which something more keeps coming from something less—as we work to increasingly perfect ourselves and our world. Thus, those who are on an evolutionary spiritual path recognize that their purpose in life is to participate in the gradual perfection of the evolving universe of nature, culture, and self.

McIntosh, Steve. The Presence of the Infinite . Quest Books. P.6

The three big existential questions we all face as human beings are : Why was I born?  What is the purpose of my life? What happens to me when I die?. 

The purpose of every person’s life is to make the world a better place than they found it. As Steve McIntosh puts it, “Thus, those who are on an evolutionary spiritual path recognize that their purpose in life is to participate in the gradual perfection of the evolving universe of nature, culture, and self.”

This desire to make the world a better place is what psychologists call “generativity.” The opposite of “generativity” is stagnation and despair.

The further question when one recognizes and acknowledges the fact that they were born to make the world a better place is how? The grand answer is by using their talents and abilities engaging in activities which provide satisfaction and fulfillment. For every person these talents and abilities are a little bit different so the contribution is both unique but also contributes to the whole: that is, the contribution is holy.

Knowing that the purpose of life is to make the world a better place is a foundational building block of spiritual intelligence. Knowing how one is called to do this is another.

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