Wednesday, July 27, 2022

What do you believe: conditional love or unconditional love?

Whatever you accept into your mind has reality for you. It is your acceptance of it that makes it real. If you enthrone the ego in your mind, your allowing it to enter makes it your reality. This is because the mind is capable of creating reality or making illusions. I said before that you must learn to think with God. To think with Him is to think like Him. This engenders joy, not guilt, because it is natural. Guilt is a sure sign that your thinking is unnatural. Unnatural thinking will always be attended with guilt, because it is the belief in sin. T-5.V.4:1-9

A Course in Miracles . Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

The bumper sticker reads, “Perception is reality.” Psychologists call it “confirmation bias.” What we think we are going to see, or what we want to see, we tend to see. Do we believe in conditional love or unconditional love? Conditional love is based on a fear of scarcity while unconditional love is based on a belief in abundance. Jesus often would say to his disciples something like “Why do you worry? Worry is unnecessary if you only knew how much your Father in heaven loves you.” The question now becomes, “Do you believe you are loved?”

In Unitarian Universalism we join together to affirm and promote the acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth. This encouragement involves a sense of unconditional love which washes away a belief in sin and feelings of guilt, and in their place a sense of peace and joy.

Today, it is suggested that we choose what we want to believe: in the ego and conditional love or in Spirit and unconditional love.

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