Monday, August 15, 2022

If we choose wrong we can always choose again.

Whenever you are not wholly joyous, it is because you have reacted with a lack of love to one of God’s creations. Perceiving this as “sin” you become defensive because you expect attack. The decision to react in this way is yours, and can therefore be undone. It cannot be undone by repentance in the usual sense, because this implies guilt. If you allow yourself to feel guilty, you will reinforce the error rather than allow it to be undone for you.T-5.VII.5:1-5

A Course in Miracles . Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

When we fail to exercise unconditional love and instead love conditionally we often act with a lack of love for which there is a feeling of guilt leading to revenge. For this guilt it is best not to repent because it often makes things worse. The best thing to do is to make another choice which is to love unconditionally which is an extension of God’s love for God’s creations.

In Unitarian Universalism we join together to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person. It is in this affirmation and promotion of inherent worth and dignity that we experience great joy. If we don’t experience this joy something has gone wrong.

Today it is suggested that we be mindful of the choices we make in our interactions with other people and things. The question to be considered is “What would love have me do?”

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