Saturday, August 20, 2022

What is forgiveness?

I have made it perfectly clear that I am like you and you are like me, but our fundamental equality can be demonstrated only through joint decision. You are free to perceive yourself as persecuted if you choose. When you do choose to react that way, however, you might remember that I was persecuted as the world judges, and did not share this evaluation for myself. And because I did not share it, I did not strengthen it. I therefore offered a different interpretation of attack, and one which I want to share with you. If you will believe it, you will help me teach it. T-6.I.5:1-6

A Course in Miracles . Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

Jesus of Nazareth was tortured and crucified by the Romans. He chose to not play the victim but rose above the attack on his body, and his spirit soared demonstrating the power of unconditional love for everybody, even his executioners.

In Unitarian Universalism we covenant together to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person, even our enemies.

Today, it is suggested that we decide to give up making other people and circumstances responsible for our unhappiness. We call this forgiveness.

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