Sunday, August 14, 2022

What would Love have me do?

Excluding yourself from the Atonement is the ego’s last-ditch defense of its own existence. It reflects both the ego’s need to separate, and your willingness to side with its separateness. This willingness means that you do not want to be healed. T-5.VII.3:4-8

A Course in Miracles . Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

The Atonement is the undoing of the separation from the non duality of the Oneness from which we have emerged. This undoing of the separation is also called “healing.” The ego does not want to give up its identity as a self separate from God. This unwillingness to give up our ego identity causes guilt, fear, and anger. Peace comes from bringing our own will into alignment with God’s will for us. The third step of Alcoholics Anonymous twelve step program is to turn our will over to the care of the will of our Higher Power.

In Unitarian Universalism we join together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. This truth and meaning is to be found in what we believe is God’s will for us.

Today it is suggested that we have to make a decision, we ask ourselves “What would Love have me do?” and then choose accordingly.

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