Monday, September 12, 2022

The place we belong is in heaven.

According to A Course In Miracles the problems for humanity began when humans separated themselves from the Oneness of God at their incarnation. This separation, when the drops separated themselves from the Oceanic Oneness, gave rise to the ego which vainly thinks it is the author of itself and dissociates itself from the Transcendent Source and the other drops to maintain its illusion of its separate existence.

Have separated themselves from the Transcendent Source, the ego, unconsciously, feels guilty and lives in fear that it will be punished. This guilt gets projected onto everyone and everything else as anger, condemnation and judgment, and contributes to attacks, overt and covert.

Deep down, though, there is a yearning to return home to our Transcendent Source and when it dawns on us that the world of the ego is not our real home this recognition precipitates a search for what Unitarian Universalists call in their fourth principle “truth and meaning.” Others sometimes call it “goodness, truth, and beauty.” Jesus called it the Kingdom of God and  in contemporary times people call it “heaven.” In the metaphysics of A Course In Miracles it is called “Atonement” which is simply the healing of the separation.

Heaven is our true home. The question might be “how does one get to heaven?” How does the Atonement occur?

UUs believe that “heaven” is not in the hereafter where we go when we die,  but here on earth, and Jesus and many spiritual masters do as well. The Atonement occurs through loving forgiveness.

What do you think? Is there a heaven? Can it be on earth as well as in the after world? How does one go there? What’s it like when one arrives?

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