Monday, December 5, 2022

Seek for what we have in common with others.

The body in the service of the ego can hurt other bodies, but this cannot occur unless the body has already been confused with the mind. This situation, too, can be used either for healing or for magic, but you must remember that magic always involves the belief that healing is harmful. This belief is its totally insane premise, and so it proceeds accordingly. T-7.V.3:5-7

A Course in Miracles (p. 254). Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

We humans divide the world into us and them, me and the other, you and I. We perceive our bodies as mechanisms of division and forget that in our minds we are one.

In Unitarian Universalism some of us join together to respect the interdependent web of all existence. We recognize that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It is the recognition of this whole which is healing.

Today it is suggested that we rise above our separate selves and seek for what we have in common with others.

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