Showing posts with label Daily reflections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily reflections. Show all posts

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Daily Reflections, Day Thirty seven, Experiencing the peace and joy of my Divine Essence

Another post has been added to Daily Reflections, number thirty seven, Experiencing the peace and joy of my Divine Essence. To access it click here.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Daily Reflections, Day Thirty six, Who am I? What am I?

A new post, day Thirty six, Who am I? What am I? has been posted in Daily Reflections which you can access by clicking here.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Daily Reflections, Day Thirty five, What Would Love Have Me Do?

There is a new post in Daily Reflections, Day Thirty five, What would love have me do? You can access it here.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Daily reflections, Day Thirty four, "What will I choose, fear or love?"

A new post, Day Thirty four, "What will I choose: fear of Love?" has been added to Daily Reflections which you can access here.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Daily Reflections, Day Thirty three, Embarking on a spiritual life.

A new post has been added to Daily Reflections, number Thirty three, Embarking On A Spiritual Path, which can be accessed by clicking here.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Daily Reflections, Day Thirty Two, Extending God's Love

A new article has been posted to Daily Reflections: Day Thirty two, "Extending God's love." You can access it here.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Daily reflections, Day thirty one, Flow is being one with the all

A new post has been added to Daily Reflections, day thirty one, "Flow is being one with the all." You can access it by clicking here.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Daily Reflections, Day Thirty, Who Loves You?

A new article in Daily Reflections, Day Thirty,  entitled "Who loves you?" has been posted here.

There are now thirty reflections posted. Feel free to print them out and use them personally or with a group. They are especially useful for people who are Unitarian Universalists who are students of A Course In Miracles, but they are useful for anyone pursuing a spiritual life based on an appreciation of the nondualistic Oneness.

This blog operates on the principle of "dana" which is a Sanskrit word that means generosity. This blog comes with the realization that the teachings of the world's great spiritual teachers did not come with the requirment of a fee. If you can donate to support the work of UU A Way Of Life, we are grateful, and if you cannot contribute or choose not to, feel free to use the material published here as you like. Perhaps, in whatever way you are able: time, talent, and/or treasure you will pay it forward.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Daily Relections - Day Twenty nine, What would Love have me do?

The Daily Reflection for today, Day Twenty nine, What would love have me do? has been posted. You can access it by clicking here.

If you use Daily Reflections, please consider donating for its continuation.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Daily Reflection, Day Twenty eight, Am I a victim or the beloved manifestation of God’s energy?

Daily reflection for day twenty eight, Am I a victim or the beloved manifestation of God’s energy? has been posted and can be accessed here.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Daily Reflections, Day twenty seven, "Choose: Ego or Spirit"

In 2020, the format of UU A Way Of Life will be modified somewhat. Longer articles will be made available for viewing on google docs.

Daily reflections can be found here,

Today is day twenty seven. The title is "Choose: Ego or Spirit."

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Daily reflections, Day Twenty six, Mistakes Have Been Made

Day Twenty six
Mistakes have been made

“Miracles rearrange perception and place all levels in true perspective. This is healing because sickness comes from confusing the levels.” ACIM.T-1.1.23:1-2

The “miracle” as spoken of in A Course In Miracles is not magic. The “miracle” is not supernatural flim flam. The “miracle” in a Course In Miracles is changing one’s mind about the source of one’s power and authority from the body to the mind.

There is a slogan, “What you see is what you get,” which would be more accurately stated as “What you think you see is what you get.” The question has now shifted from “what do you see” to “what do you think you see and why?”

When we come to realize that we are not bodies with a spirit but rather a spirit with a body our experience of life subtly but dramatically changes and the healing of our minds, the undoing of our social conditioning,  has begun.

Focusing on the body is believing that the separation is real, the separation of our ego from the Mind Of God. We are told in A Course In Miracles that this separation, which fills us with guilt unconsciously, has never occurred even though we like to think it has. It takes courage and humility to admit that we are mistaken and that, at the Spiritual level, we all are one.

Today, I will forgive myself for my mistaken ideas and thoughts that I am separate and special and acknowledge that I am in this thing called Life along with everyone else.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Daily reflections, Day Twenty five, Love your supposed enemies

Day Twenty five
Love your supposed enemies

“Miracles are associated with fear only because of the belief that darkness can hide. You believe that what your physical eyes cannot see does not exist. This leads to a denial of spiritual sight.” ACIM.T-1.1.22:1-3

What is it that we try to hide? We try to hide our fear of inner defectiveness, inadequacy, and guilt. Some psychologists call this “shame.”

So we put our best foot forward. We pretend we are one way when deep down we live in terror that we are another. And then we start to play the game of “What about them?” the game the Course calls “one or the other.” We blame other people for what we think they are doing to us and attribute the guilt of making us unhappy to another. We play the role of the victim and it is this darkness which hides our deep seated shame.

We lose sight of the fact that at our core we are the beloved creation of God which is the manifestation of Love in the universe. At our core we are a precious diamond encrusted in the dirt and slag of our social conditioning. Understanding this and accepting it are two different things. Dropping our defenses and accepting our preciousness makes us fearful because life as we know it in the world of the ego is over. Giving up the social conditioning of the ego leaves us confused, anxious, perplexed, maybe a little sad. We’d rather dance with the devil we know than the devil we don’t know.

Today, I will try to accept that at my core I am an extension of God’s love in the world and as such I no longer need to defend myself to anyone. I will pass this love on to everyone I meet even my supposed enemies.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Daily reflections, Day Twenty four, Experience The Miracle

Day Twenty four
Experience the miracle

“Miracles are natural signs of forgiveness. Through miracles you accept God’s forgiveness by extending it to others.” ACIM.T-1.1.21:1-2

Forgiveness, as the Course uses the term, means being willing to give up making other people responsible for our own unhappiness. In other words, we give up making other people guilty for what we blame them for doing to us. We realize, accept, acknowledge that we are not victims.

We we can say, “I am no longer making you responsible for the choices I make in my mind,” we have forgiven others for what we thought was their responsibility. When we do this, we are healed from the sickness of the ego which some call “sin.”

Jesus said, as He was being crucified, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” Jesus is saying that He does not hold His crucifiers responsible for His state of mind. This example of Jesus is the epitome of forgiveness.

Just like a two year old who tells an overbearing, intrusive parent, “You’re not the boss of me,” we come to a point in our lives when we become aware that other people and events are not the cause of our unhappiness. In this realization, miracles occur, and we realize and experience God’s love for us which we are now able to extend to others.

Today, I will try to rise above my anger, fear, blaming, judgment, resentments and recognize that I have a choice of whether to make other people and events responsible for my unhappiness. If I choose not to, I rise above the victim role and assume my natural inheritance as an extension of God’s love. In doing so, I experience the miracle.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Daily reflections, Day Twenty three, Focus on the Divine Spark within every person you meet.

Day Twenty three
Focus on the Divine Spark within every person you meet.

“Miracles reawaken the awareness that the spirit, not the body, is the altar of truth. This is the     recognition that leads to the healing power of the miracle.” ACIM, T-1.1.20:1-2

Are you a body with a spirit or a spirit with a body? This is not cute wordsmithing. This question and your answer makes all the difference in the salvation of the world.

The answer, according to A Course In Miracles, is that you are a spirit with a body, and it is in the mind that miracles occur not in the body.

The body is constantly changing and is not permanent, but the mind is eternal and lives for ever in its unification with the Tao, the Oneness that some call the God Force, the Ground of our Being.

At Unitarian Universalism: A Way Of Life we teach that the Holy Spirit resides in the relationship when people join together in a common purpose of becoming aware of their holiness and the holiness of all. It is this joining that Jesus is referring to when He says that people will know His disciples by their love for one another.

The first principle of Unitarian Universalism is to covenant together to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person. This “person” is not the body, but the Spirit, the Divine Spark within every human being and all living things.

Today I will apply the advice of Peace Pilgrim who said that when she meets people she looks for the Divine Spark within them and focuses on that.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Daily reflections, Day Twenty two, "I am One with God and the Divine Nature of all humanity"

Day Twenty two
“I am One with God and the Divine Nature of all humanity.”

“Miracles make minds one in God. They depend on cooperation because the Sonship is the sum of all that God created. Miracles therefore reflect the laws of eternity, not of time.” ACIM. T-1.1.19:1-3

While the teaching of A Course In Miracles is very simple, its metaphysics can be quite jarring because it is so counter-cultural. Once a person understands the metaphysics of the Course, the application of the ideas of this metaphysics takes repeated reminders and practice.

Miracles remind us that we are One with God. God and God’s creation are all One. Our human dilemma occurred with the separation from the Oneness of God when we were born. We then became conditioned and socialized by our families and society to become a separate ego. In this process, we lost our innocence, and life is about regaining it and finding our way consciously and willingly back to the Oneness of God.

To become One we must cooperate with the creative :Love of God and with our fellow humans and all of what we call Life. On the ego plain this takes time, but in eternity before the separation there is no time. When we remember our Oneness we enter into a flow state where time stands still and has no meaning.

The Univeralists taught that God is Unconditional Love and that humanity is the Body Of Christ. These ideas are articulated in many of our Unitarian Universalists principles.

Today, I will give up making other people and situations responsible for my unhappiness and feeling and acting like a victim. I will remember that I am not a victim, but the Beloved Extention of God’s Love in the universe..

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Daily reflections, Day Twenty one - Accept and love one another

Day Twenty one
Accept and love one another

“A miracle is a service. It is the maximal service you can render to another. It is a way of loving your neighbor as yourself. You recognize your own and your neighbor’s worth simultaneously.” ACIM, T-1.1.18:1-4

The miracle is a shift in perception from the world of the ego to the world of Spirit, from the world of fear to the world of Love.

This shift in perception is first done for oneself for without this shift in self perception, there can be no shift in perception of the other who is part of oneself. In other words, we must love God first, then ourselves, and then a miracle occurs in our perception of others whom we perceive as being of the same stuff of which we ourselves are made, and of God from Whom we are extensions.

Unitarian Universalists covenant together to affirm and promote an acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth.

Today, remember from whence we have come and extend our awareness of this Love to others by paying attention to them, listening to them, and loving them.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Daily Reflections, Day Twenty one, Universalism is the religion of the miracle.

Day Twenty One
Universalism is the religion of the miracle.

“Miracles transcend the body. They are sudden shifts into invisibility, away from the bodily level. That is why they heal.” ACIM, T-1.1.17:1-3

Our bodies are constantly changing as we age. Our minds constantly change as our desires focus on different idols, thoughts, beliefs, and values. Our social status and prestige change because of various circumstances. 

What we call “life” is constantly changing in the world of the ego. A Course In Miracles teaches us that what is happening in the world of the ego isn’t real. It is an illusion. We are dreaming. We are seeing shadows on Plato’s cave wall.

Miracles have nothing to do with the world of the ego. A miracle is a shift from the world of the ego to the world of the Spirit. We catch a glimpse behind the curtain. We see beyond what Christians call “this veil of tears.”

This shift to the world of unconditional Love from the world of pain, suffering, guilt, fear, resentment, is indeed a miracle.

Today, we should ask ourselves, “What is it that we want to see?”

 We can choose. We have the power to love or to hate, to fear or to surrender, to be guilty or forgive. It is as easy as that, making a choice. Knowing that we have a choice and using our power to choose, is the miracle. The miracle is not anything that we do, but rather a removing of the blocks and obstacles to our awareness of Love’s presence which is our natural inheritance.

The Univeralists have taught this but few understand it. Universalism is a religion of the miracle.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Daily relfections, Day Twenty, Reach out and touch someone

Day Twenty
Reach out and touch someone

“Miracles are teaching devices for demonstrating it is as blessed to give as to receive. They simultaneously increase the strength of the giver and supply strength to the receiver.” ACIM, T-1.1.16:1-2

Are we separate or all part of the same Oneness? Some say that humanity is the Body of Christ. If we all are extensions of Love, then we share the same being. If we share the same being, what we do to a perceived other we do to ourselves. When we share, both the sharer and the person shared with are strengthened and blessed. This joining in Oneness, simply put, is a miracle.

There are many examples of the enrichment that comes from sharing such as telling a joke, singing in a duet, a quartet, a chorus, working with another, or many others, on any project. There is an Irish proverb:, “Many hands make light work.”

Back in the 1970s Bell telephone had a commercial which suggested that we “reach out and touch someone.”

As Unitarian Universalists we covenant together to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and to accept one another and encourage each others spiritual growth.

Today, facilitate a miracle happening by sharing yourself with another in loving kindness in some small way.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Daily relfections, Day nineteen, You Are An Extension Of God's Love

Day nineteen
You are an extension of God’s Love

“Each day should be devoted to miracles. The purpose of time is to enable you to learn how to use time constructively. It is thus a teaching device and a means to an end. Time will cease when it is no longer useful in facilitating learning.” ACIM, T-1.1.15:1-4

Every day we are presented with what are called “forgiveness opportunities.”

Forgiveness opportunities occur when we become aware of our anger, our fear, our guilt, our resentments, our blaming, our default position of feeling like a victim.

When we feel like a victim and want to blame others and situations, we can make a conscious decision to let go of our willingness to make other people and things responsible for our unhappiness. We make a decision to rise above the perceived attack and hurt, and refuse to play the victim of those whom we would accuse of being victimizers.

These forgiveness opportunities challenge us tens, if not hundreds, of times a day.  When we become aware of them we can choose how we want to respond. We can respond in the ego world and blame, become fearful, and avoid, or we can recognize and acknowledge them for what they are, misguided attempts to solicit love, and give up our tendency to make them responsible for our unhappiness and play the victim.

This principle tells us that forgiveness opportunities which help us more and more engage our right mind instead of our wrong mind, seem to occur in time with a past, present, and future. While we brood about the past, and harbor resentments, grievances, and fears, as we become more and more right minded in the world of the Spirit, time no longer has meaning for we experience more and more the eternal now.

Unitarian Universalism encourages us to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person. As more and more people do utilize their forgiveness opportunities to shift their perception from the world of the ego to the world of the Spirit, the Kingdom of God becomes ever increasingly a part of our awareness and experience, and we contribute to the sanctification of the world.

Today, remember as the Universalists have taught us,  that you are not a victim but the beloved extension of God’s love..

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