Monday, March 2, 2015

Universalism turns Christianity upside down

Richard Trudeau writes in his book, Universalism 101 on page 19 "While mainstream Christianity viewed God as having turned away from humanity because of human sin, Ballou's view was that it was humanity that had turned away from God; and that God sent Jesus not to pay the price, but to remind human's of God's love."

Jesus says in A Course In Miracles: "I was not punished because you were bad. The wholly benign lesson the Atonement teaches is lost if it is tainted with this kind of distortion in any form." T-3.I.2:10-11

We humans create our own hell by separating ourselves from God. God loves us unconditionally, but out of our guilt and fear of punishment we can't believe that God loves us. What kind of God is this that exudes unconditional love? It is the God of Universalism and of Jesus and not the God of mainstream Christianity that has manipulated people with hellfire and brimstone and engendered a belief in a vengeful God who damns people to hell for all eternity. What kind of people would make up and teach such a God? This teaching is what John Bradshaw has called the "poisonous pedagogy."

Jesus was never vengeful, and never engaged in retribution. He said He came to change the Code of Hammurabi which influenced the depiction of a wrathful Old Testament god. Universalism teaches quite of different gospel, one of truly good news, that Love is ever present if we can overcome the blocks to our awareness of Love's presence.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Do UUs need God?

A Unitarian Universalist was running late for his own wedding. He sped to the church and circled the parking lot three times looking for a parking spot. Frustrated, the man became religious and pleaded, "Oh God, give me a parking spot and I'll quit all my vices, to to church every Sunday, give to charity, forgive everybody, and never use you name in vain again. Please, please, I can't lose my beautiful bride!"

Just then, he noticed an open spot right in front of church. Instantly, he stopped sobbing and said, "Never mind, I found one."

Do UU ministers manifest an awareness of the inner altar?

Richard Trudeau writes in his book, Universalism 101, "I call on my fellow UU ministers - and, recognizing that it can be hard for old dogs to learn new tricks, I especially call on UU seminarians - to recommit themselves to their role of teachers. Teachers shape tastes and do not merely accommodate to them." p.16

Unitarian Universalism does not need more teachers. What would they teach? You cannot teach what you do not know. Unitarian Universalism needs more holy men and women who have a personal experience of the divine, the sacred, the spiritual. Where are the holy men and women of Unitarian Universalism? Where are they formed and upon what is their spiritual practice based? You cannot find, and do not achieve a spiritual life from books and from teaching. Books and teaching can point to the holy and divine, but they are fingers pointing at the moon, they are not the moon.

Holiness, sacredness comes from an experience of the authentic wholeness of which we are apart. It comes from sincere and genuine inner exploration. It comes from what has been called prayer and meditation and the development of cosmic consciousness and enlightenment. Most of UU "teaching" is too distracting. It focuses on the world. Trying to change it and fix it a fool's errand based on hubris and resentments and this is not holy work nor does it manifest a positive example of where holiness resides which is on the inner altar of our being.

Would that UU ministers were able to access this inner altar and manifest this awareness. As Steven Gaskin said one time, in the last analysis all we have to offer is our own state of being. UU ministers need to look within and share what they find with others by their presence not by their teaching in the usual sense of that word. Their lives and manifestation of their awareness of the inner altar is what is nourishing, edifying, and facilitative of spiritual growth in others.

We all should be accessing our inner altars and in the process becoming more genuine, sincere, authentic and aware of the All. We need ministers who can facilitate this process because they have been there themselves and they manifest these qualities of authenticity, genuineness, sincerity, and cosmic consciousness to the world. Leave the teaching to Fox News and Pat Robertson.

Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Doris who?

Doris locked - that's why I'm knocking!

Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

There are many searchers knocking, but UU ministers are not opening the door. Perhaps it's because they don't hear the knocking, or they don't know where the door is. UU seminaries should be helping students find the door.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

True religion is where the rubber hits the road

Peter Morales wrote in the Fall, 2014 issue of UU World, "Religion, I have long believed, is much more about what we love than about what we think. The central religious task is to change hearts, not just opinions."

Religion is much more about what we do than what we love. Love is as love does. As Dr. Laura has said, "Feeling good, and doing good can be two different things." The key to success will be bringing Unitarian Universalist values (principles) into alignment with practices. Currently, there are huge gaps in values and practices and let's not forget that authentic religion is experienced where the rubber hits the road.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Akilter - How you feeling?

What did the chickpea say when she had a stomach ache?

I falafel!

The off center cross symbol of Universalism

Until I read Richard Trudeau's book Universalism 101 I had not known about the off center cross symbol of Universalism. The symbol was adopted by the Massachusetts Universalist Convention in 1947.

After the merger of Unitarianism and Universalism in 1961 animosity has developed in Unitarian Universalism toward the cross symbol of Christianity. This is unfortunate because so many UUs have a Christian experience as part of their religious and spiritual formation. As Rev. Trudeau points out in his book Universalism 101, "Most UUs who disown a Christian background do so because they don't know how to separate Christianity's toxic components from the elements  that could still nourish them." p.16

As I have matured I have come to understand that most so called Christians do not understand Jesus's message and teachings and they certainly don't apply them in their lives. The sign of the cross is not a symbol of expiation, suffering, torture and death, but rather the opposite, a symbol of triumph, transcendence, patient compassion, and the resurrection of the spirit with the eschewing of the body.

The Universalist symbol acknowledges the importance of Christian teachings while leaving plenty of room for other traditions and sources as well, that's why the cross is off center, to make room for other paths.

Having learned of the off center cross symbol I have come to love it more than the flaming chalice. For someone with my background as a former Roman Catholic it respects and supports my positive religious experience with Catholicism while leaving plenty of room for other experiences as well. The flaming chalice is a wonderful symbol as well indicating the divine spark in each one of us and the whole world. Perhaps I can have both. Why do I have to choose? Could I put the flaming chalice within the circle with the off center cross?

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tolerance for pain may be high but it is not without limit

What is the purpose of life?

According to the Dali Lama the purpose of life is happiness.

What will make me happy?

Ultimately, according to A Course In Miracles, what will make, you, me, and everybody happy is the acceptance of the Atonement. The Course points out that our tolerance for pain is very high, but short of death, it is not without limit. In crisis, if not before, we recognize that there must be a better way. We recognize as they say in the first step of Alcoholic Anonymous that our life is unmanageable. We have defiled our soul and that things need to be repaired and protected. It is written in the Course that whenever we are anxious something is wrong. You have been deceived.

How do I get back on the right track?

That's what religion and philosophy is for to help you find your way back to the right track. There are may roads to the Atonement. Which is best for you depends on many things. For the spiritually mature, Unitarian Universalism may be a way because it is open to the teachings of the six sources. Unitarian Universalists covenant together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. The authentic search is within and the recognition that we are one with everything which is what the Course calls the Atonement.
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