Monday, November 20, 2017

Whose side are you on - the greedy or the needy?

I went to church yesterday at Spiritus Christi in Rochester, NY and heard a wonderful sermon by Father James Callan. At one point he asked, "Who needs you support more the greedy or the needy? I think the greedy could get by with a little less and the needy with a little more." His comment seems to fit with the Unitarian Universalist second principle of "justice, equity, and compassion in human relations."

Encouragement to get on the right frequency - third principle

The third principle of Unitarian Universalism encourages us to covenant together to affirm and promote the acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth. Spiritual growth requires that we get on the right frequency. This requires a purification of ego driven drama from our perceptions and an intention to shift to reality.

As Geraldine, a character that comedian Flip Wilson created and acted, used to say, "What you see is what you get!" In A Course In Miracles it is written, "Perception selects, and makes the world you see."T-21.V.1:1

The ego creates the drama in our lives. It is written further in A Course In Miracles, "Listen to what the ego says, and see what it directs you to see, and it is sure that you will see yourself as tiny, vulnerable and afraid. You will experience depression, a sense of worthlessness, and feelings of impermanence and unreality. You will believe that you are helpless prey to forces far beyond your own control, and far more powerful than you. And you will think the world you made directs your destiny. For this is your faith." T-21.V.2:1-7

ACIM goes on to explain that this scenario the ego has constructed for us, based on our bidding, is not true. It is only a drama of our own making.

Most of us love gossip and the juicier the better. We are aroused to fear and disgust every day by the constant bombardment of the media. The sensational and emotionally arousing stories get our attention. We gloat initially that these things have happened to other people and we have escaped. The bumper sticker, "Reality is when it happens to you," is the ultimate in the ego's cynicism and sadism.

God's love is always there but we fail to see it because we overlook it as it gets drowned out by the insanity of the ego's world. We see what we have put our faith in. We see what we have been conditioned and trained to believe in. And this unreal world of pain, misery, sorrow, and separation becomes, for us, our own reality.

At this Christmas time of year I saw a church sign board on which was written, "You too can hear the angel's song if you tune in on the right frequency." If you would have peace, joy, and happiness, practice tuning in on the right frequency. Spending more of your life and making decisions on that frequency is a sign of spiritual maturity.

Question of the day

What are the ten most significant things that have happened in your life that have made you the person you are today and the way you view the world?

Editor's note - I first heard this question from Irvin Yalom.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Question of the day

How do I encourage uplift, nurturance, correction of mistakes, repair of harm done to promote restoration of broken relationships?

Editor's note:

I highly recommend Krista Tippett's "Civil conversations project." This project is based on 6 grounding virtues: Words that matter, Generous listening, Adventurous civility, Humility, Patience, and Hospitality."

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Question of the day

Where does it hurt? What is bothering you the most?

Editor's note:
Ruby Sales was interviewed on On Being on 09/15/16. This is where I first became aware of the importance of this question. For more click here.

Friday, November 17, 2017

The bystander effect and UUs

Would Unitarian Universalists be more likely or less likely, given their principles, to be influenced by the bystander effect?


Thursday, November 16, 2017

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