Sunday, December 3, 2017

First Sunday Of Advent

Today is the first Sunday of Advent. We are getting ready for Christmas Day. How are you preparing? There is the decorating, the buying and wrapping of gifts, the planning for get togethers. It is a busy time of the year.

But the deeper question is how are you spiritually preparing? Are you finding quiet time to clear away the clutter that blocks your awareness to Love's presence in your life? Are you sitting still to listen, to tune into the frequency on the divine channel of Love, Peace, and Abiding Joy? Are you doing other things to help people listen with you to the Peace and Joy we once again intentionally and deliberately focus on and re-member?

As it says in the Desiderata:
    You are a child of the universe,
    no less than the trees and the stars;
    you have a right to be here.

    And whether or not it is clear to you,
    no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
    Therefore be at peace with God,
    whatever you conceive Him to be,
    and whatever your labors and aspirations,
    in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
    it is still a beautiful world.
    Be cheerful.
    Strive to be happy. 

Question of the day

Have you ever "lost your faith"? What happened?

Saturday, December 2, 2017

UUAWOL had almost 2,100 page views in November, 2017

In November 2017 UUAWOL had almost 2,100 page views. That's an average of about 70 per day. Thanks for visiting and thanks for your referrals.

One of the most important articles on UUAWOL in November, 2017

Two new labels have been added to UUAWOL: most popular and most important in the previous month. The most popular is the post with the most clicks, and the most important is one of the posts that best contributes to the achievement of the goals of this site.

The most important goal of UUAWOL is to create a frame of reference, a model, a cognitive map of how one can pursue a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. The search is an inward search into our own being and not an external search into the world of perception fraught with illusions. The post below, first published on 11/11/17, describes a world of experience not one of data measurement. It highlights the desire to see beyond the ego world of perception to a vision of oneness and wholeness, what UUs call the "interdependent web of all existence." This is a vision of the transcendent. This is a vision of something far bigger of which we are a part than just our individual egos to which we become attached in such desperate ways. Sometimes circumstances in our lives pry us lose from this attachment and we get a glimpse beyond. It is this in which we put our faith and wish to dwell.

Unitarian Universalists covenant together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. This search will lead us to vision which excludes judgment. The vision is not about information, validation, accuracy. It is about love and peace. It is about heaven on earth which cannot be empirically validated. It is not of this world. The vision of standing on the side of love cannot be measured. It is beyond measurement. In the last analysis it is experienced as a matter of faith.

Every now and then we get a glimpse that there must be something more to life. There is a faint memory of a time and place of comfort, peace, security, and well being. People in distress sometimes say, "I can't stand this any more. I can't go on. There are times when I wish I wasn't here."

"Do you have suicidal ideas, " I ask?

"Yeah, I do sometimes," is the answer.

"What keeps you from acting on your ideas," I ask?

"My kids, my dog, my ___________."

"Well, it's a wonder, given how miserable you are, that you haven't killed yourself by now," I say.

"I just can't bring myself to do it. I guess things aren't really that bad. I keep hoping that things will get better."

And it is this hope that keeps the person from ending their earthly life. And what does this hope consist of and where does it come from and how does it work?

"What is it that you are hoping will be different if you go on living," I ask?

"I just want things to be okay."

"Things are okay already if you could see beyond the drama in your life," I say.

"I guess," is the reply.

And there is a glimpse of a vision of heaven and peace on earth which has been blocked out by the workings of the ego. We have to admit that we are not in charge, not in control, not the agent of cure. We have to recognize, acknowledge, and surrender to a power far greater than our own and let go. In the letting go, we paradoxically experience peace.

Most popular post of November 2017

Having a sense of humor where a person can laugh at the absurdities and incongruities and paradoxes of life is considered to be a sign of advanced spiritual development. To what extent are you able to experience the innocence of a child and laugh at the ridiculousness of the human predicament?

Amazing grace

Unitarian Univeralists covenant together to affirm and promote seven principles. In none of these principles is Love mentioned. This seems strange for a "movement" that aspires to grow and influence the human community. UU has developed a campaign which it has named "Standing On The Side Of Love" but this slogan has been promoted to advance social justice causes not to articulate a spiritual reality. After all the social justice causes have been addressed and justice, equity, and compassion in human relations has been created, developed, and established what we will be left with is Love. As Beatles sang, "Love Is All There Is." To get to Love we must first remove the blocks which the ego places in our way. Reason, itself, is not salvation but it can be a means to the grace of salvation. It is written in A Course In Miracles, "Reason is not salvation itself, but it makes way for peace and brings you to a state of mind in which salvation can be given to you." T-22.III.3:1

We live in a time when the errors of the ego are writ large for the whole world to see. Reason has no place when justification of the ego is desired. And like reinforce like and the group goes astray like lost sheep wandering in fog without the guidance of shepherds.

The wolves prey on the wandering sheep lost in the green grass that they nibble unaware of their peril. The shepherds rather than abandon their sheep seek to guide them away from the wolves and back to safety.

Reason like shepherds seeks to restrain and guide the ego but the ego resists attempting to strengthen its loyalty to its errors. The ego fears a loss of its diminishment and so defiantly continues in its error. Reason is filled with compassion and concern and patiently waits for the ego's fear to subside reassuring that there is something far more precious to be found. It is this compassionate patience which is called "grace" and some people have called it "amazing." A song has been created about this experience. Perhaps you know it?


Question of the day

What do you think and feel if your religion is attacked? How do you manage those thoughts and feelings?
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