Sunday, January 19, 2020

Daily Reflections, Day Forty three, In the world of the ego, life is full of forgiveness opportunities.

Day Forty three
In the world of the ego, life is full of forgiveness opportunities.

“The miracle acknowledges everyone as your brother and mine. It is a way of perceiving the universal mark of God.” ACIM.T-1.1.40:1-2

In Unitarian Universalism, people covenant together to affirm and promote seven principles the first of which is the worth and dignity of every person. We are all a part of the Sonship, the Body of Christ, which are extensions of God’s Divine Being.

With this we recognize and acknowledge that every person is part of the all. There is no separation and exclusion. Everyone is included. This insight was taught by the Universalists. The Universalists taught they everyone goes to heaven and no one is outside of the Unconditional Love of God.

Given the world of the ego, this recognition and acknowledgement of the Oneness of humanity is a miracle. We see the Divine Spark in every person including ourselves. When we see this, this perception and understanding brings great peace and joy. We have given up our fear, our guilt, our anger, our resentments, our grievances, our bitterness, our penchant for retribution and punishment, and we realize and give up making other people responsible for our own unhappiness. This giving up of making other people responsible for our unhappiness is what the Course calls “forgiveness.”

Forgiveness involves giving up feeling and thinking like a victim and making others victimizers. This giving up the role of the victim and playing the blame game frees us to become aware of the peace and joy of Oneness.

Today, I will be aware of forgiveness opportunities. These opportunities arise when I am angry, afraid, inclined to blame others for my unhappiness. I will release them from culpability for my feelings and take responsibility for them myself. With this awareness, I can always find a better way to manage my thoughts, feelings, and behavior which will bring me more peace and calm.

Gems - Basic Theological questions

Today we begin a feature on UU A Way Of Life, tagged "Gems." Gems are articles previously published on UU A Way Of Life which still have value for consideration. This first "gem" was published on 01/15/09, ten years ago. It was about the questions which a UU theology should address. I don't think much work has been done on this is the last decade. If anyone knows of any books, articles, videos which address these fundamental theological concerns, please leave the titles in the comments.

The existential questions people want answers to are:
  1. Why was I born?

  2. What is the purpose of my life?

  3. What happens to me when I die?

  4. Why is their suffering in the world?

  5. Why do these hurtful things happen to me?

  6. How can I deal with troublesome and hurtful people?

  7. How can I best raise my children?

  8. What do I owe my parents, siblings, other family members?

  9. How do I assist my children in coming of age?

  10. What is commitment and how do I honor my vows?

  11. Why do I make mistakes and screw up?

  12. How do I give forgiveness to others and obtain forgiveness for myself?

  13. What do I do about injustice?

  14. What is the best way to live life? How do I do it? How do I help others?

  15. How does one find right livelihood, good work?

  16. What is the purpose and proper use of sex?

  17. When I am discouraged, depressed, and despairing, why should I go on?

  18. How can I celebrate and enjoy the happiness in my life?

  19. How do I die with peace and help others die with peace?
In my mind, any religion, any theology that can answer these questions is a winner. And what we want more than anything as human beings is to make sense out of it all. That's what a good theology does, it gives us answers to life's biggest questions, and this is what UUs and all human beings want.

A good theology is a model, a cognitive map, that explains life to us. It tells us how things are and how they ought to be. It validates, it inspires, it provides purpose, meaning, and motivation. It explains our experience to us.

A good theology, more than anything else, is useful. It helps us lead our lives in the most fulfilling and satisfying ways possible. It is more than a philosophy because it facilitates relationship between the self and the transcendent and it is in the facilitation of this relationship that theology earns its money, demonstates its value, provides its benefit as a worthwhile discourse.

My Kind Of Church Music, A Change Gonna Come, Sam Cooke

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Helpers - Dr. Terrence Newton

Daily Reflections, Day Forty two, Walking out of the shadows of darkness into the light.

Day Forty Two
Walking out of the shadows of darkness into the Light

“The miracle dissolves error because the Holy Spirit identifies error as false or unreal. This is the same as saying that by perceiving light, darkness automatically disappears.” ACIM.T-1.1.39:1-2

We often use the metaphor of “seeing the light.” When we come to a new understanding, a new appreciation, we say that we have been “enlightened.” Just as light cancels out darkness, so does Love cancel out the ego.

When we enter into the space of Love, there is no ego, no guilt, no sin, no fear, no pain, no suffering. When we observe this experience in ourself, and/or in others, we say it is “miraculous.”

Often we are confused about what to choose, what to do, where to focus our attention, energy, and effort. It is a simple thing to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. The Holy Spirit will gently nudge us in the direction of doing what Love would have us do.

When we move in the direction of doing what Love would have us do, we feel peace and joy no matter what the activity and its outcome. Even in dying, the obituary will read, “Died peacefully on _______________ at _____________.

Today, I will take some moments when I am upset, confused, perplexed, angry and simply ask, “What would Love have me do?” Then I will choose rightly following the course of the Spirit and ignore the temptations of the ego. I will walk into the Light and the shadows of darkness will dissipate and disappear.

Editor's note:
You can access all the Daily Reflections by clicking here.

My Kind Of Church Music, For What It's Worth, Buffalo Spingfield and friends

Thanks to Phil for the referral.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Dialy Reflections, Day Forty One, Be at One with the Big Picture

Day Forty one
Be at One with the Big Picture

“The Holy Spirit is the mechanism of miracles. He recognizes both God’s creations and your illusions. He separates the true from the false by His ability to perceive totally rather than selectively.” ACIM.T-1.1.38:1-3

The meme of systems thinking is that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. This awareness that somehow the whole is greater than the sum of its parts is the mystery which the miracle allows us to apprehend. We come to realize that the separation is not real, it creates an illusion of understanding and control, but it is missing the whole understanding and experience.

The Holy Spirit was given to us, members of the Body of Christ, to help us see beyond the illusion of separation and to remember that the ego and its works are not real. When we understand this, we see the truth beyond what we believed which now we understand is false.

We come to see that what we believe is true which turns out to be false is the result of our projection and our egotistical desires to control and satisfy our ego driven desires. We come to realize that the things of the ego world are really messed up, insane. We would do well to turn our will over to the Holy Spirit for guidance and join with It to experience the greater whole of which we are merely a part.

Today, I will not take my projections and desires so seriously. I will admit I don’t really know what anything is for. When I am upset, frustrated, angry, resentful, fearful, I will ask the Holy Spirit to help me rise above my petty grievances and be a peace with the Big Picture.

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