Saturday, January 18, 2020

Daily Reflections, Day Forty two, Walking out of the shadows of darkness into the light.

Day Forty Two
Walking out of the shadows of darkness into the Light

“The miracle dissolves error because the Holy Spirit identifies error as false or unreal. This is the same as saying that by perceiving light, darkness automatically disappears.” ACIM.T-1.1.39:1-2

We often use the metaphor of “seeing the light.” When we come to a new understanding, a new appreciation, we say that we have been “enlightened.” Just as light cancels out darkness, so does Love cancel out the ego.

When we enter into the space of Love, there is no ego, no guilt, no sin, no fear, no pain, no suffering. When we observe this experience in ourself, and/or in others, we say it is “miraculous.”

Often we are confused about what to choose, what to do, where to focus our attention, energy, and effort. It is a simple thing to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. The Holy Spirit will gently nudge us in the direction of doing what Love would have us do.

When we move in the direction of doing what Love would have us do, we feel peace and joy no matter what the activity and its outcome. Even in dying, the obituary will read, “Died peacefully on _______________ at _____________.

Today, I will take some moments when I am upset, confused, perplexed, angry and simply ask, “What would Love have me do?” Then I will choose rightly following the course of the Spirit and ignore the temptations of the ego. I will walk into the Light and the shadows of darkness will dissipate and disappear.

Editor's note:
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