Wednesday, September 22, 2021

A Course In Miracles Workbook Lesson #364 - This holy instant would I give to you. Be You in charge. For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace.

 Lesson #364

This holy instant would I give to you. Be You in charge. For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace.

Having been raised Roman Catholic back in the 1950s and 60s I remember the Latin mass prior to the decision of Vatican II which made it possible for the mass to be said in the vernacular. Many of the Latin phrases I remember, a favorite being “Pax vobiscum”, Peace be with you, and the response was “Et cum spiritu tuo” and with your spirit as well. Today’s lesson: one of the last five of the year-long study of the workbook of A Course In Miracles reminds us that the peace of God is always with us should we choose to recognize it.

In Alcoholic Anonymous, it is suggested that we improve our conscious contact with God as we understand God in step eleven. We do this through prayer, meditation, and mindfulness and extending the peace of God to others..

In Unitarian Universalism we join together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning which is pursued when we say to one another “Pax vobiscum.” UUs also accept one another and encourage each others’ spiritual growth as stated in principle three of seven.

Today is a day of peace when we put God in charge and shed the illusionary concerns of our egos. Pax vobiscum everybody.

A Course In Miracles Workbook Lesson #363 - This holy instant would I give to You. Be You in charge. For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace.

 Lesson #363

This holy instant would I give to You. Be You in charge. For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace.

The lesson today is the same as yesterday and the day before that. We are drawing to within two days of the end of the year long ACIM workbook lessons. This lesson is repeated five days in a row because it is so important. What is more important to our salvation than shedding our ego born out of separation and rejoining the Oneness from whence we came and which is the Ground Of Our Being?

In Alcoholic Anonymous the eleventh step encourages us to improve our conscious contact with God as we understand God. This is the purpose of life and what deep down we yearn for although we go off on many other wild goose chases after worldly things we think will make us happy.

In Unitarian Universalism we join together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning which can take us hither and yon until we realize that what we seek is within and not without and we begin to become aware of and experience our inherent worth and dignity which comes from the Divine Spark within.

Today, as we have in the two previous days and as we will do tomorrow, it is suggested that we rest in the present with our Transcendent Source and experience the rising of peace and bliss.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Support Wikipedia

 I support Wikipedia by making an annual donation. I just donated $52.00. It's not a lot but it's what I have to donate. Did the same thing last year. I get more than $52.00 use out of the site.

Do you donate to support Wikipedia? Only 2% of users do. I ask that you consider it and if you can, donate something. (I have no connection to Wikipedia other than as a user and I enjoy supporting things that I consider add value to the world.)

UUs covenant together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. What better way to practice this principle than to nurture and support a universally available conduit of knowledge?

Thanks for considering this. 

David Markham

Monday, September 20, 2021

A Course In Miracles Workbook Lesson #362 - This holy instant would I give to You. Be You in charge. For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace,

 Lesson #362

This holy instant would I give to You. Be You in charge. For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace.

St. Paul says in his letter to the Corinthians, “If God is with you who can be against you?” It can be added that you and God are a dynamic duo. The power of the universe is realized when your will is brought into alignment with God’s will for you.

In Alcoholic Anonymous it is suggested, in step eleven, that we improve our conscious contact with God. The lessons of the last five days of the ACIM workbook are all the same because they are so important. In working on these last five lessons we practice step three of AA which is turning our willfulness over to God’s will for us which, simply put in one word, is love.

In Unitarian Universalism we join together to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person. When we become attuned to this inherent worth and dignity peace and bliss arises.

Today, lesson #362 suggests that we align our will with God’s will for us. This takes discernment of what God’s will for us is. This discernment is the answer to the question, “What would love have me do.”

Sunday, September 19, 2021

A Course In Miracles Workbook Lesson #361 - This holy instant would I give to You. Be you in charge. For I would follow You, certain that your direction gives me peace.


Lesson #361

This holy instant would I give to You. Be you in charge. For I would follow You, certain that your direction gives me peace.

We have arrived at the last five lessons which are all the same. Basically, it is suggested that we rest in doing God’s will for us. We have given up our willfulness and turned it over. We are going with the flow, resting in the peace of the Tao.

In Alcoholic Anonymous it is suggested, in step three, that we make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understand God.

In Unitarian Universalism we covenant together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. This search takes us to goodness, truth, and beauty which is found in the holy instant when we rest in the presence of our Transcendent Source.

Today, it is suggested in lesson #361 that henceforth we listen consistently to the Voice of 

God which speaks to us constantly. All we need do to experience the peace and bliss of God is to listen.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

A Course In Miracles Workbook Lesson #360 - Peace be to me, the holy Son of God. Peace to my brother, who is one with me. Let all the world be blessed with peace through us.

 Lesson #360

Peace be to me, the holy Son of God. Peace to my brother, who is one with me. Let all the world be blessed with peace through us.

As we arrive in the last days of the end of the 365 day A Course In Miracles workbook we can appreciate the non dualistic metaphysics of the teaching. The Son and the Father are one. I and my brothers are One. Christians call this Oneness of the Son, “Body of Christ.” It is in this growing awareness of the non duality of the Transcendent that peace arises.

In alcoholic Anonymous, we are encouraged, in step eleven, to improve our conscious contact with God as we understand God through prayer and meditation. In this conscious contact, we find peace and serenity.

In Unitarian Universalism we join together to affirm and promote the love of the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

Today, it is suggested in lesson #360 that we bless the world with the peace we have experienced through the awareness of the non dualistic Oneness of all existence.

Friday, September 17, 2021

A Course In Miracles Workbook Lesson #359 - God's answer is some form of peace. All pain is healed; all misery replace with joy. All prison doors are opened. And all sin is understood as merely a mistake.

 Lesson #359

God’s answer is some form of peace. All pain is healed; all misery replaced with joy. All prison doors are opened. And all sin is understood as merely a mistake.

Universalists teach that God loves us unconditionally and would never consign any of God’s creations to hell. In the world of the ego, mistakes are made due to the separation which the ego condemns as sin to ignite guilt, suffering, fear, and anger. If we call on God to heal our separation, God’s answer is some form of peace.

In Alcoholic Anonymous we are encouraged to improve our conscious contact with God which is done through forgiveness. We first forgive ourselves with God’s love and then others.

In Unitarian Universalism we join together to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person. Mistakes are recognized, acknowledged, and forgiven as we perceive and focus on the Divine Spark in every person.

Today, in lesson #359, we experience the peace of God when we forgive, which is the willingness to give up making other people and circumstances responsible for our unhappiness. We recognize that we are not victims except by our own choosing. We are responsible for the choice we make between Love and fear.

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