Friday, March 12, 2010

Comforted by Unitarian Universalism?

The blog, Looking For Faith, has a wonderful article posted on March 10, 2008 about how the author finds Unitarian Universalism comforting. It is worth reading. I recommend it to you.

1 comment:

  1. The comments on that post are worth reading too. . .

    Here are the two last comments -


    March 12th, 2008 17:06

    This question for me evokes all the pain involved in confronting clergy misconduct and its aftermath. One of the most painful parts is that the seemingly last resort (i.e. the church) is not only gone — it’s the source of the angst. In case any other victims of UU clergy misconduct happen upon this, I’d just like to say, it’s okay to give up hope and leave the church. Find solace anywhere else.

    Shelby Meyerhoff

    March 13th, 2008 10:18

    Hi uugrrl,

    Thank you for making this point. I totally agree that a person who is being abused needs to do whatever is necessary to get to safety. If a congregation, minister, or fellow congregant is being abusive, of course it’s ok to leave the church!


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