Saturday, December 30, 2017

Why are we afraid of the "transcending mystery and wonder?"

We are afraid of Love.

Unitarian Universalism draws from many sources which often are numbered as six. The first source is "the direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life." That "transcending mystery and wonder" is often called "Love" or the "Spirit of Life". Interestingly, and often not talked about, is our fear of this "transcending mystery and wonder."

We, in essence, are made of Love. It is the ground of our being. To recognize this fact, acknowledge it, embrace it means we have to give up our egos. We have to surrender that which we have made to embrace Love and giving up our egos scares us. We defend our small self. We protect it. We protest its surrender.

Rather than be One with Glory we cling to the mundane, to the little arrogant, isolated island we have made in the oceanic universe.

The ultimate question is, "How is that working for you, the defending, the protecting, the isolating, the clinging, the protesting?" Get a gun why don't you and see how that works.

The biggest joy in life is letting go of the ego. Surrender that sucker, the sucker that sucks all the joy, peace, and bliss from your life.

You, my friend, we all our God's children. We share in God's glory. We can enjoy this glory all the more when we crack open and get out of our shells.

1 comment:

  1. The point is a good one. It asks in A Course In Miracles "Would you rather be right or be happy?" Most people would rather be right it seems rather than surrender their egos.


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