Monday, March 18, 2019

Today's lesson - Move past grievances to save the world

Today's lesson, number 69 in A Course In Miracles, is "My grievances hide the light of the world in me."

It is easy for Unitarian Universalists to be self righteous in their social justice concerns and activism. If, in their social justice work, UUs hold on to grievances, and victimhood they misserve themselves and the world rather than ameliorate themselves and the world.

The salvation of the world comes from Unconditional Love not from grievances. The lesson today teaches that to right the wrongs on the path of the ego is to focus on the illusional, the delusional, and we make of idols things that are better recognized, acknowledged, and then risen above.

Martin Luther King, Jr., emulating Jesus, was not only nonviolent but loved his enemies. It is this love which is the light of the world not the triumph over injustice. Triumphing over injustice believed in only leads to new forms of domination, oppression, and subjugation. Changing forms does not change content. Salvation comes from a change in content not form.

The opposite of fear and attack is love, and love has no real opposite being too big to be encompassed in any definition. Unconditional Love is the light of the world which is its salvation. Grievances and victimhood hide this light.

Universalists have known this in America since the late 1700s when they spread the gospel of God's unconditional love and universal salvation. In our contemporary times, Universal salvation has been increasingly understood and accepted, and Universal inclusion, on earth as it is in heaven, has become our goal. This Universal inclusion requires the relinquishment of grievances so the light of Unconditional Love can save the world.

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