Saturday, December 7, 2019

Daily reflections, Day eleven, Finding peace

Day eleven
Finding peace

“Miracles are everyone’s right, but purification is necessary first.”

What needs to be purified is not the body but our thoughts. Are we wrong-minded or right-minded? Wrong-minded is when we believe the separation is real as are the things of the ego which really are all illusions. We are dreaming and in our dreams projecting our conditioning onto what we think we see which are all illusions. Right-mined is when we become aware of the Oneness and join in Love with Creation.

Everyone is capable of miracles not just special people. All that is necessary is that a person eschew the things of the ego, purify the mind, and join the Oneness, Love, which is our natural inheritance.

When you become aware of fear, anger, resentment, guilt, give up making other people and things responsible for your unhappiness. This giving up of making other people and things responsible for your unhappiness is what the Course calls “forgiveness.” You can give up your victimhood and recognize that you are the beloved extension of Divine Grace into the world of the ego to help the world and everything in it become aware of its holiness.

Unitarian Universalists covenant together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning and where can this search take them? It can take them to the world of miracles if they first purify their thinking from believing that things offered by the ego will make them happy. Already having covenanted together to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person, they have taken huge steps to salvation where everybody loves everybody all the time.

Today, be aware of your fears, anger, guilt, resentments, and choose Love instead and give up making other people and things responsible for your unhappiness. It is in giving up making others responsible for your unhappiness that you purify your mind and are able to become aware of Love’s presence in your life. This awareness of Love’s presence is the miracle which bestows a sense of peace..

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