Principle three in Unitarian Universalism is UUs covenant together to affirm and promote the acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations. How is this to be done? In my 16 years of involvement in four UU churches I have never heard a sermon preached on this topic. I wonder why?
There are no sermons on the encouragement to spiritual growth because Unitarian Universalism lacks a map for this development. There is no metanarrative to guide the journey. The denomination is spiritually impoverished. The proverb teaches “if you don’t know where you’re going any road will take you there.”
Unitarian Universalism lacks a vision and with no vision there is no viable mission because what difference would a mission make if we don’t know our destination?
If you are involved in a UU church what has attracted you to the congregation?
If you are involved in a UU church what has contributed to the retention of your involvement?
If you are involved in a UU church what are you hoping to get out of it?
To what extent has your spiritual development been facilitated by your involvement in Unitarian Universalism?
What are the factors present in Unitarian Universalism that have contributed to your spiritual development and that of others that you have observed?
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