Saturday, November 27, 2021

Time stands still

The miracle minimizes the need for time. In the longitudinal or horizontal plane the recognition of the equality of the members of the Sonship appears to involve almost endless time. However, the miracle entails a sudden shift from horizontal to vertical perception. This introduces an interval from which the giver and receiver both emerge farther along in time than they would otherwise have been. The miracle thus has the unique property of abolishing time to the extent that it renders the interval of time it spans unnecessary. 

A Course in Miracles . Foundation for Inner Peace.T-1.II.6:1-5

The miracle, the shift in perception from the world of the ego to the world of Spirit, involves a suspension of time. Time stands still. Time has no meaning. Unconditional love is all there is. Perception of linear time is abolished and all there is Oneness.

In Alcoholic Anonymous it is suggested in step eleven that we enhance our conscious contact with God through prayer and mediation. Another way of describing this step is to say that it encourages a shift in perception from the world of the ego to the world of Spirit, from the world of conditional love to the world of unconditional love.

In Unitarian Universalism we covenant together to affirm and promote a love for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. When we affirm and promote this love we shift our perception from the world of the ego to the world of Spirit and join the Oneness where time no longer has meaning.

Today, it is suggested that we shift our perception from the world of the ego to the world of Spirit. When we do this a miracle occurs and time stands still.

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