Friday, May 20, 2022

What would love have me do?

No one who learns from experience that one choice brings peace and joy while another brings chaos and disaster needs additional convincing. T-4.VI. 3: 3

A Course In Miracles

We have a choice to listen to the ego or the Holy Spirit. To whom do you turn for guidance and assistance when making choices? The passage above suggests that we learn from experience that the ego’s guidance leads to chaos and disaster while the Holy Spirit’s to peace and joy. Observing the experience engendered by our choices indicates from where we are getting our advice.

Unitarian Universalists covenant together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning and from where is truth and meaning to be found: from the ego or from the Holy Spirit? The process of this search is called “discernment.” How do we discern what God’s will for us is? A Course In Miracles is a course in mind training which encourages us to eschew the voice of the ego in favor of the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Today, we can simply ask for help in asking our Higher Power, whatever we conceive our Higher Power to be, “What would love have me do?”

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