Wednesday, June 29, 2022

In the stillness, peace and joy arise.

T-5.III.6. I have repeatedly emphasized that one level of the mind is not understandable to another. So it is with the ego and the Holy Spirit; with time and eternity. Eternity is an idea of God, so the Holy Spirit understands it perfectly. Time is a belief of the ego, so the lower mind, which is the ego’s domain, accepts it without question. The only aspect of time that is eternal is now.

A Course in Miracles . Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

Time is one of those things that isn’t real. It is an illusion created in the ego world to give the ego the idea that it has some control. The before and after become idols of the ego mind. We love history and to pine for the future. These preoccupations preclude the awareness of the present, the now, what the Course calls the “Holy Instant.”

In Unitarian Universalism we covenant together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. This truth and meaning is not to be found in the past or in the future, but by going inward and getting in touch with the Tao where time stands still.

Today, take some time to clear the mind of thoughts of the past or the future and just rest in the present where there is no time but simply the present. Experience the lack of time where time stands still. Just be still. In the stillness peace and joy arise.

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