Thursday, September 29, 2022

Let peace and bliss arise.

Remember that the Holy Spirit is the Answer, not the question. The ego always speaks first. It is capricious and does not mean its maker well. It believes, and correctly, that its maker may withdraw his support from it at any moment. If it meant you well it would be glad, as the Holy Spirit will be glad when He has brought you home and you no longer need His guidance. The ego does not regard itself as part of you. Herein lies its primary error, the foundation of its whole thought system. T-6.IV.1:1-7 

A Course in Miracles . Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

The ego is that part of ourself that has separated from the non dual Oneness which some call God and which we call here our Transcendent Source. The ego is conditioned and socialized and is what the postmodernists call a “social construction.” This social construction which we call the self is not our authentic Self which is part of the non dualistic Oneness.

In Unitarian Universalism some of us join together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. This search takes us beyond our conditioning and socialization back to our Transcendent Source.

Today, It is suggested that we take some time to set aside our conditioning and allow the peace and bliss of the Oneness to arise in our experience of our consciousness.

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