Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Be vigilant only for God and His Kingdom.

The Holy Spirit does not teach you to judge others, because He does not want you to teach error and learn it yourself. He would hardly be consistent if He allowed you to strengthen what you must learn to avoid. In the mind of the thinker, then, He is judgmental, but only in order to unify the mind so it can perceive without judgment. This enables the mind to teach without judgment, and therefore to learn to be without judgment. The undoing is necessary only in your mind, so that you will not project, instead of extend. God Himself has established what you can extend with perfect safety. Therefore, the Holy Spirit’s third lesson is: Be vigilant only for God and His Kingdom. T-6.V.C.2:1-8

A Course in Miracles (p. 239). Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

We are told to be non judgmental. “Judge not so that you will not be judged.” It is not the person we are judging but the thoughts and behavior. There is right mindedness and wrong mindedness. As we mature we become more discerning of the difference. Right mindedness has to do with the things of God which are of unconditional love while wrong mindedness has to do with the things of the ego which are of separation and division.

In Unitarian Universalism some of us join together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. This search ultimately will take us on the path of right mindedness and we learn to eschew wrong mindedness.

Today it is suggested that we continually ask “What would love have me do?” This question is based on the Holy Spirit’s third lesson which is “Be vigilant only for God and His Kingdom.”

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