Monday, November 21, 2022

Name the obstacles to the realization of our Higher Self.

No one questions the connection of learning and memory. Learning is impossible without memory since it must be consistent to be remembered. That is why the Holy Spirit’s teaching is a lesson in remembering. I said before that He teaches remembering and forgetting, but the forgetting is only to make the remembering consistent. You forget in order to remember better. You will not understand His translations while you listen to two ways of interpreting them. Therefore you must forget or relinquish one to understand the other. This is the only way you can learn consistency, so that you can finally be consistent. T-7.II.6:1-8

A Course in Miracles (pp. 247-248). Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

In order to enter the Kingdom of God we must forget the world of the ego. The Buddhists encourage us to give up attachments which cause suffering. It is in detaching that we are able to become one with All.

In Unitarian Universalism some of us join together to affirm and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. This search involves cutting through the nonsense and oodles of information which create the world of the ego. It is in emptying ourselves that we find our true nature, our Higher Self. In order to become aware of our Higher Self we have to eradicate the barriers and obstacles that are put in our path.

Today it is suggested that we consider what holds us back from appreciating the unconditional love of God. Can we name those things? If we can’t name them, we can’t manage them. Once we name them we can rise above them and forget them.

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