Friday, December 2, 2022

Acknowledging the Divine Spark so it becomes manifest.

The body is nothing more than a framework for developing abilities, which is quite apart from what they are used for. That is a decision. The effects of the ego’s decision in this matter are so apparent that they need no elaboration, but the Holy Spirit’s decision to use the body only for communication has such a direct connection with healing that it does need clarification. The unhealed healer obviously does not understand his own vocation.T-7.V.1:1-4

A Course in Miracles (p. 253). Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

The second skill of twenty-one of Spiritual Intelligence in Cindy Wigglesworth’s model is understanding your life purpose. Why were you born and what is the purpose of your life are two of the most basic existential questions all conscious human beings consider.

The body is not the answer but is merely the temple of the Holy Spirit which resides in the mind and between minds not in bodies.The ego would have us focus exclusively on the body and ignore the mind but the Holy Spirit is latent, if not activated, in the mind of every human being. Once an individual becomes aware of the Divine Spark within themselves they yearn to connect with the Divine Spark in others and the Kingdom of God becomes consciously manifest in the world. This manifestation, consciously, of the Divine Spark of the Kingdom of God is a healing of the separation and our purpose in life to become One with Everything.

In Unitarian Universalism some of us join together to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person. This affirmation and promotion is focused on the minds and not the bodies of our fellow travelers.

Today it is suggested that we look for the Divine Spark in ourselves and in others and when it is recognized acknowledge it so that it can become consciously manifest.

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