Thursday, December 1, 2022

Salvation is when everybody loves everybody all the time.

Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, because that is where the laws of God operate truly, and they can operate only truly because they are the laws of truth. But seek this only, because you can find nothing else. There is nothing else. God is All in all in a very literal sense. All being is in Him Who is all Being. You are therefore in Him since your being is His. Healing is a way of forgetting the sense of danger the ego has induced in you, by not recognizing its existence in your brother. This strengthens the Holy Spirit in both of you, because it is a refusal to acknowledge fear. Love needs only this invitation. It comes freely to all the Sonship, being what the Sonship is. By your awakening to it, you are merely forgetting what you are not. This enables you to remember what you are. T-7.IV.7:1-12

A Course in Miracles (p. 253). Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

The passage above can best be read as poetry. Its meaning is rich and deep. The idea being presented is that God is all there is. The ego is an illusion. When you perceive the Divine Spark in yourself and the other, a great healing occurs and the Truth of our Ultimate being is realized. This is what some call “enlightenment.” Whatever this realization is called, the realization is a great blessing and an amazing grace.

In Unitarian Universalism some of us join together to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person. This inherent worth and dignity comes from God’s unconditional love for God’s creation. We are called by God to extend this unconditional love which we experience within outward to others.

Today it is suggested that we bypass our conditional loving and engage in unconditional loving for ourselves and each other. Salvation comes when everybody loves everybody all the time.

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