Monday, January 23, 2023

When it’s all said and done.

The Holy Spirit is perfectly trustworthy, as you are. God Himself trusts you, and therefore your trustworthiness is beyond question. It will always remain beyond question, however much you may question it. I said before that you are the Will of God. His Will is not an idle wish, and your identification with His Will is not optional, since it is what you are. Sharing His Will with me is not really open to choice, though it may seem to be. The whole separation lies in this error. The only way out of the error is to decide that you do not have to decide anything. Everything has been given you by God’s decision. That is His Will, and you cannot undo it. T-7.X.6:1-10

A Course in Miracles (pp. 274-275). Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

When it’s all said and done the Truth becomes known that God loves us unconditionally. Because we have separated ourselves from God, we fear His punishment and feel guilty and ashamed. The fear leads us to project this guilt and shame onto others. We see guilt and shame in others rather than in ourselves. Becoming aware of this, what are we to do? The passage above teaches that we don’t have to do anything but realize that we have nothing to decide. The separation is not real and when it’s all said and done, in spite of what we think, God loves us conditionally.

In Unitarian Universalism some of us join together to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person. This inherent worth and dignity arises from God’s unconditional love for God’s creation of which we are an extension.

Today it is suggested that we settle down, relax, and clear our minds of the chatter of the ego which continually assails us and rest in the experience of God’s unconditional love.

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