Thursday, March 16, 2023

Are you a soul with a body or a body with a soul?

When you equate yourself with a body you will always experience depression. When a child of God thinks of himself in this way he is belittling himself, and seeing his brothers as similarly belittled. Since he can find himself only in them, he has cut himself off from salvation. T-8:VII.1:6-8

A Course in Miracles (p. 296). Foundation for Inner Peace. Kindle Edition. 

Are you a soul in a body or a body with a soul? The perspective makes a big difference. The passage above states that if you think you are a body with a soul you will experience depression but if you think you are a soul with a body you will experience peace and joy.

In Unitarian Universalism some of us join together to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person. The inherent worth and dignity resides in the soul.

Today it is suggested that we answer the question for ourselves: Are you a soul with a body or a body with a soul? The perspective you choose makes all the difference in your well being.

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